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Using OmniFocus with third-party clients

We do not support third-party clients for Android, web, or any other platform. Modifying your OmniFocus database via these means is unsupported and at your own risk.

We’ve become aware of a number of third-party client applications that claim to sync with OmniFocus and our Omni Sync Server. Some of these include Quantus Tasks (previously released under the name AndroidFocus) in the Google Play Store, FocusGTD, and RazorGTD. There is also a third-party web service named These apps describe themselves as clients that can connect to an Omni Sync Server account in order to sync with the OmniFocus database that is stored there.

Quantus Tasks, FocusGTD, RazorGTD, and are not Omni Group products, and we are unable to assist customers with problems that result from using them or any other third-party clients. Contact their developer for assistance instead.

We do believe that you should have control of your own data, and OmniFocus therefore uses an open file format just like the rest of our applications. Customers need to be aware that reverse-engineering sync in the way that these apps appear to have done can make for unpredictable results, including corrupting your database and making it unreadable in OmniFocus.

Furthermore, OmniFocus 3’s encrypted database format requires secure storage of not only your password but an encryption key. Third-party clients may not be appropriately handling this sensitive data, and in the case of web services it may be stored on a third-party service.

Since v3 of OmniFocus for Mac shipped, customers using these types of apps have contacted us about crashes and data loss. Customers who do not use them have not had similar experiences.

For this reason we can’t recommend using these or any other third-party clients. If you’re looking for OmniFocus access on a device that isn’t running iOS or macOS, you might check out OmniFocus for the Web, our official web client.

Last Modified: Jun 27, 2024

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