OmniGraffle 3 Reference Manual for iOS


Every piece of software you use has a core set of terminology, and like those apps, OmniGraffle has a common nomenclature. To better help you understand the terms and terminology used when describing the interface or how to work in OmniGraffle, we’re providing this brief glossary.

App Menu
The App Menu contains information to help you get the most out of OmniGraffle and settings for customizing your OmniGraffle experience. Tap the gear button in the toolbar of the document browser to access it. See The App Menu for more details.
Artboard a feature of OmniGraffle Pro
An artboard is a special type of layer whose objects define an export area, or act as a container, for objects on standard or shared layers higher up in the layer stack.
A curve on a path whose curvature is determined by the extent and angles of control handles which extend from the vertex point. To convert a regular vertex into a Bézier curve, choose the Point Editor Tool and touch and hold the vertex point until its control handles appear.
Bounding Box
The rectangular area that defines the space an object occupies on the canvas is known as the bounding box. Bounding boxes have eight handles (one at each corner and centerpoint of the box), which you can click and drag to resize an object.
The canvas is the big white area in the center of OmniGraffle’s interface where you draw and create things. An OmniGraffle document always contains at least one canvas and one layer.
Contextual Menus
Since iOS doesn't have a menu structure similar to macOS, OmniGraffle uses contextual menus to provide a method of interacting with the user interface. Where available, contextual menus appear when you touch and hold on an object and then release your finger.

If a contextual menu has additional options, you will see an arrow on the right edge of the menu; tap the right arrow button to reveal the additional menu options. After scrolling the menu to the right, a left arrow button appears on the left edge of the contextual menu so you can scroll back to the previous set of options.
In iOS 13 and later, contextual menus can also appear as vertical lists (such as those that appear for files in the document browser).
Control Handles
Red lines that extend from a vertex point; used to control the curvature of a Bézier curve.
Data Variable
A string that you can use to insert object and line labels based on other information in your document. Data variables look for like-named elements in a document’s XML source, and display its corresponding data related to the string provide. See Appendix F: Data Variables for a list of data variables available in OmniGraffle.
When you create a new file in OmniGraffle, the basic type of file you can create is a document, which ends in a .graffle file extension. You can also create Stencil files (.gstencil) and Templates (.gtemplate).
Document Browser
The file browser that OmniGraffle uses to help you manage OmniGraffle diagrams, stencils, and templates. Starting with OmniGraffle 3.11, OmniGraffle uses the built in iOS file browser for document management, including access to your files in the cloud (with iCloud Drive or another storage service) and files synced with OmniPresence to Omni Sync Server or a WebDAV server.
Drag & Drop
Drag & Drop is a system-level function that’s integrated with OmniGraffle and other apps on iOS. You can drag into OmniGraffle from the Files app and other apps, reorder items in OmniGraffle’s Sidebar, as well as drag objects, layers, and canvases from an open OmniGraffle file to other apps on your device.
The Files app offers a way to access files in local app directories, as well as those in the cloud. You can copy files to the local app directory, tap OmniGraffle files to open them in OmniGraffle, and also drag from OmniGraffle into the Files app.
A group consists of two or more objects that are bound to each other. An object group, when selected, can be styled and moved on the canvas as a single unit; the styles you apply using the Object inspectors are assigned to each object in the group.
You use an inspector to define the styles and properties of an object, define the canvas area and units of measurement, and set document properties for saving and printing your OmniGraffle documents. The individual inspectors are contained in four separate tabs of the Inspector Bar, located to the right of the canvas.
Inspector Bar

The Inspector bar is located to the right of the canvas. Similar to the Sidebar, the Inspector has four tabs which contain specific categories of inspectors:

  • Use the Object inspectors to style, size, and arrange the objects you create.
  • Use the Style inspector to view the styles applied to a selected object, as well as apply styles from other objects on the canvas.
  • Use the Properties inspectors to define how and where lines connect to other objects. If you have OmniGraffle Pro, you can also add Notes and key-value metadata for the objects you create, and assign actions to objects.
  • Use the Canvas and Document inspectors to define the selected canvas. If your document has multiple canvases, you can set each canvas’s properties independently. Use the Document inspector to add document-wide metadata for the document.
Keyboard Shortcut
A set of keys you press to invoke a menu command, or a single character or number key that you press to select one of OmniGraffle’s tools. Keyboard shortcuts are available when a Bluetooth keyboard is paired with your device.
Text that you add to an object, line, or the canvas with the Text Tool.
A layer contains the objects that you draw. There are three different types of layers in OmniGraffle:
  • Standard Layer — this is the basic layer type, available in both OmniGraffle Standard and Pro.
  • a feature of OmniGraffle Pro Shared Layer — shared layers are used to share objects with the canvases in your document. Shared layers are only available in OmniGraffle Pro.
  • a feature of OmniGraffle Pro Artboard Layer — artboard layers contain a new object type in OmniGraffle Pro, the artboard.
  • a feature of OmniGraffle Pro Shared Artboard Layer — an artboard layer that is shared with all other canvses in your document.

Canvases can contain multiple layers of any type.

Layer Stack
The order in which layers appear in the sidebar. When a canvas has multiple layers, those layers are stacked on top of each other. Layers can be repositioned in the stack by dragging them up or down in the sidebar.
A line can be a standalone object on the canvas, or used to connect two or more shapes together. To create a line, use the Line tool. Use the Stroke inspector to change the line’s style properties, and the Line inspector to change the line type and apply line ends.
Bits of information that you can enter into the Metadata, Canvas Metadata, or Document Data inspectors, some of which can be retrieved as labels for objects and connecting lines with data variables.
Navigation Sidebar
The sidebar to the left of the canvas, is used for managing everything in your document. You can organize and rename the canvases, layers, objects, and groups of objects here.

The navigation sidebar has two tabs which you can tap to switch between different things in your document:

  • Use the Canvases tab to organize and rename the canvases, layers, objects, and groups of objects in your document.
  • Use the Selection tab to select, style, and interact with objects based on their properties.
The things you draw on the canvas are known as objects. An object can be a shape that you draw with the Shape or Freehand Drawing tools, a line that you draw with the Line tool, or a block of text or line label that you enter using the Text tool.
a feature of OmniGraffle Pro If you have OmniGraffle Pro, you can also use the Artboard tool to add an artboard to your document, or to convert text to shapes.
Omni Automation
A method of scripting OmniGraffle with JavaScript.
The origin marks the vertical and horizontal intersection at the canvas coordinates 0,0. When Show Origin is turned on in the Grid & Guides, the origin point is marked by dark blue Canvas Origin guides.
An Omni Automation Plug-In can contain a collection of scripts, libraries, and assets. For more information, see the Omni Automation website.
Smart Guides
Light blue guidelines that appear when aligning objects on the canvas.
A stencil is a reusable shape that can be dragged to the canvas from the Stencils window. Stencils can be as simple as a square or triangle, or as complex as a multilayered and meticulously designed illustration. Each object or object group in an OmniGraffle stencil file becomes an individual stencil.
A website for sharing and downloading stencils for use with OmniGraffle.
A stroke is the line that borders an object. To remove or apply styles to an object’s stroke, or to a line created with the Line tool, use the Stroke inspector.
Style Filter
Use the Style Filter buttons along the bottom of the Selection sidebar to isolate like-styled objects based on their style properties. Like-styled objects are collected as Style Sets in the middle of the sidebar.
Style Set
After filtering objects based on their styles, objects are collected into Style Sets in the Selection sidebar.
A table is a special kind of group that organizes rows and columns of objects.
An OmniGraffle file type that contains the base settings—such as the canvas size and units of measurement, background colors, or objects—used when creating new OmniGraffle documents.
Tool Palette
Floating above the canvas you’ll find the Tool Palette, which contains the tools you use in OmniGraffle to select, create, draw, connect, and interact with objects.
The region along the top of the Document Browser and Canvas is the toolbar. The toolbar contains buttons for opening and closing the Sidebar (to the left of the canvas) and the Inspector sidebar (to the right of the canvas).
A brief explanation that appears over a tool or inspector item when selected. Tooltips can be turned on or off by tapping the gear menu, and choosing Settings from the app menu.

The Document Browser

When you first launch OmniGraffle you arrive at the document browser, where you can open an existing file or create a new one from scratch.

The Document Browser in OmniGraffle 3 for iOS.

The document browser provides access to the same file storage locations as the iOS Files app, including the OmniGraffle folder on your device (where files are kept locally), your cloud storage locations (such as iCloud Drive), and any OmniPresence folders you have connected.

Recents View

Tap the clock icon The Recents button for navigating to the Recents view of the document browser. to switch to the Recents view of the document browser, which shows a collection of files that you have worked with recently. This list is drawn from every location available on your device, and includes files stored locally as well as those in the cloud.

The Recents view of the document browser in OmniGraffle 3 for iOS.

The Recents view is a flat list of files sorted by date from most recently accessed to oldest. If you don't see a file here that you expect, you can use the Search dialog to look through all the files available, or switch to the Browse view to look through the hierarchy of files on your device along with any connected cloud locations.

Browse View

Tap the folder icon The Browse button for navigating to the Browse view of the document browser. to switch to the Browse view of the document browser, which displays the hierarchy of locations and folders you have stored on your device, as well as any connected cloud service providers.

The Browse view of the document browser in OmniGraffle 3 for iOS.

In wide device views, the Locations list offers high level navigation on the left side of the screen, with the contents of a selected location shown on the right; in compact views, Locations sits at the top of the navigation hierarchy with specific locations and their contents nested beneath.

The Locations List

When browsing your files, the Locations list displays the storage destinations that are available on your device. This always includes On My [device], which contains all of your files stored locally. If you have an Apple ID connected, iCloud Drive also appears as an available cloud storage location.

The Locations list in the iOS document browser.

If you have any additional cloud storage providers installed on your device they will appear in this list as well.

Note that OmniPresence, the cloud sync solution operated by the Omni Group, does not appear in the list of service providers here because it doesn't run as a separate application. Instead, you can sync with a dedicated OmniPresence folder inside your On My [Device] > OmniGraffle folder, as described here.

Not all cloud storage providers work equally well with all file formats. We recommend using iCloud Drive or a connected OmniPresence folder to sync your OmniGraffle files; other providers may have trouble depending on the technologies they use.

The final item in the Locations list is Recently Deleted, where iOS temporarily stores files after you have deleted them in case you want them back.

Managing Deleted Files

If you delete an OmniGraffle file, that file is moved to the Recently Deleted folder in the Locations list.

The Recently Deleted location, as viewed in the document browser.

To manage files in the Recently Deleted folder, tap Select in the upper right and tap the thumbnails for each file you would like to manage. Options appear at the bottom of the screen to either Recover the files, returning them to their previous location, or Delete the selected files permanently.

Note that files stored with some cloud storage providers may be permanently deleted immediately instead of moving to Recently Deleted first. Because these recovery standards differ, it's a good idea to always take care when deleting files.

Beneath the list of available locations is a list of Tags. Tap a tag in the list to view all of the items with that tag applied; you can apply tags to individual files using their contextual menu (see File Details below).

Finally, the More button The More button at the top of the Locations list in the document browser. at the top of the Locations list provides additional functions for modifying the contents of the list.

  • Connect to Server—Choose a server to connect to via SMB, adding it as a location in a separate Shared section of the Locations list.

  • Edit—Switch the list to Edit mode, where you can rearrange locations and tags, and choose which locations you want to be visible in the list. Note that changes made here apply to the Locations list everywhere it appears, including the Files app and other apps that use the iOS document browser.

Browsing a Location

Upon selecting a location in the Locations list, its contents appear in a pane to the right (this pane appears on top of the Locations list when in compact views).

The pane used for browsing the contents of a location in the document browser.

A search field at the top of the pane offers options to search recently opened files, the entire current location, or just the current folder for filenames that match the search terms.

A hidden toolbar provides options for sorting files in the browsing pane and offers alternate display modes.

Drag down on the browsing pane to access more controls for the location, choose how files are sorted, and switch between thumbnail and list views.

File Details

Each file is represented by a thumbnail image. Once modified, OmniGraffle generates a preview based on the contents of the file; otherwise, the file is represented by a generic document icon.

Along with the thumbnail, each file displays its name, the date it was last modified, and its location on your device.

  • Tap a document preview to open the associated file.

  • To change the name of a file or folder, tap the name and then enter a new title.

Contextual Menu

Tap and hold a file's thumbnail to open a contextual menu for the file, with the following commands:

The contextual menu on a file in the OmniGraffle document browser.
  • Copy—Copies the selected file and makes it available on the clipboard for pasting.

  • Duplicate—Copies and instantly pastes a copy of the selected file at the current location.

  • Move—Opens a hierarchical view of your locations where you can choose a new destination for the file.

  • Delete—Deletes the selected file (it can still be recovered if necessary).

  • Info—Presents a popup with detailed information on the file, including a larger document preview, metadata related to the file's creation and modification, location on your device, and any tags you have assigned.

  • Tags—Presents the list of available tags along with the option to create a new one. Tap a tag in the list to assign it to or remove it from the file.

  • Rename—Opens the file rename dialog, just as if you had tapped its name in the document browser.

  • Share—Opens the iOS share sheet, where you can choose from among the standard array of iOS share destinations as well as additional OmniGraffle-specific share options, as described below.

Sharing and Exporting

From a file's contextual menu, with a file selected, or from an open file's document toolbar, tap the Share button the Share button and then choose one of the following actions to perform on the file.

Share As... The Share button is a square with an arrow inside that points upward

Choose a format for sharing the file, and then choose a destination from the standard set of iOS share destinations.

When sharing an OmniGraffle file, you can choose an export format from among the following file types:

  • Modern OmniGraffle (single file zipped)
  • Legacy OmniGraffle (compatible with versions earlier than 3.14 for iOS and 7.16 for Mac)
  • PDF
  • PNG
  • OmniOutliner

OmniGraffle Pro If you have OmniGraffle Pro, you can also choose to share the selected file in Visio XML format.

Copy as Image two overlapping right angled corners

Copies to the pasteboard the selected file as an image, which you can then paste onto the canvas of an OmniGraffle file, or into another app.

Send to Photos a photo camera icon

Sends a JPEG image of the selected file’s contents to the Photos app on your device.

Print a printer

Prints the selected file to an AirPrint printer of your choosing. The document prints based on the orientation set in Size Uses Printer Pages, in the Canvas Size inspector.

Copy Current Canvas as PDF two overlapping right angled corners

Copies to the pasteboard the currently selected canvas as a PDF, which you can then paste elsewhere.

Copy Document as PDF two overlapping right angled corners

Copies to the pasteboard the selected file as a PDF, which you can then paste elsewhere.

Create Stencil from Document two white overlapping rectangles with a black plus sign in the front one

Creates a stencil file from the selected document.

Create Template from Document two black overlapping rectangles with a white plus sign in the front one

Creates a template file from the selected document.

Copy Two overlapping document icons

Copies the selected file to the clipboard.

Learn more about OmniGraffle import and export in Opening, Placing, and Exporting Files.

OmniGraffle File Types

Several file types are associated with OmniGraffle diagrams, stencils, and templates. Files of these types can be opened, edited, and saved within OmniGraffle for iOS.

Filetype Document Icon
OmniGraffle Document (.graffle) File icon for an OmniGraffle document file
OmniGraffle Stencil (.gstencil) File icon for an OmniGraffle stencil file
OmniGraffle Template (.gtemplate) File icon for an OmniGraffle template file

OmniGraffle Pro If you have OmniGraffle Pro, you can also use the Copy from... command to import Microsoft Visio XML files. Unlike native OmniGraffle files, these are not opened for editing in place; they must be copied into OmniGraffle as described in Opening Files.

The Location Toolbar

When viewing the contents of a location in the document browser, the toolbar along the top of the screen includes the following buttons:

The toolbar you see at the top of your device while viewing the contents of a folder in OmniGraffle's document browser

Back the back button

On the far left of the toolbar is the Back button, followed by the name of the folder that contains the files being viewed. Tap to go backward in the folder hierarchy or return to the Locations list.

Folder Title

At the center of the folder toolbar is the name of the current folder (such as On My iPad).

Add New The Add New button is represented by a Plus sign

Tap to create a new OmniGraffle document. After tapping Add New, the Template Chooser opens and displays a list of available templates for your document (starting with the custom templates you've created, if any).

The template chooser when creating a new document in OmniGraffle.

Choosing a template creates a new document pre-populated with the contents of that template, including sample text (if any) and all of the template's default structural and named styles.

To add templates from other locations on your device, tap The Link Folder button which resembles a folder with two interlinked ovals inside and a plus sign on the right in the template chooser or use Configure Resource Locations in OmniGraffle Settings to connect the folders that contain them.

Automation Menu Automation icon OmniGraffle Pro

Tap to open a menu with controls related to Omni's JavaScript automation.

  • Automation Console—Opens the automation window to the console pane.

  • Automation API Reference—Opens the automation window to the API reference pane.

  • Configure Plug-Ins—Opens a pane that contains a list of automation Plug-Ins on your device, and controls for linking to a folder that contains Plug-Ins stored elsewhere (such as a cloud storage location).

If any Plug-Ins are installed, they appear in a list titled Actions beneath the Configure Plug-Ins menu item.

OmniGraffle Pro Omni Automation Plug-Ins require OmniGraffle Pro. For instructions on adding Omni Automation Plug-Ins to OmniGraffle, see this article on the Omni Automation website.

With OmniGraffle 3.17 and later, you can use shortcuts created with the Shortcuts app to run OmniGraffle's Omni Automation Plug-Ins and scripts. Learn more at the Omni Automation website.

OmniPresence Menu OmniPresence icon

With an OmniPresence folder connected, the OmniPresence menu button appears in the toolbar. Tap it to open the OmniPresence menu, where you can download files to a connected OmniPresence folder or navigate directly to them by tapping files in the list.

See this support article for details on using OmniPresence with iOS 13 and later.

App Menu The App menu is a gear wheel

Tap to open a menu with tools and settings related to OmniGraffle itself. See The App Menu below for details.


At the far right edge of a folder’s toolbar is the Select button. When tapped, Select makes it possible for you to tap to select documents within a folder. Once a document is selected, use the buttons in the bottom toolbar to share or duplicate the file, move it to another folder, delete it, or copy it.

Selecting files in the document browser

The App Menu The App menu is a gear wheel

When viewing the contents of a location in the document browser, tap the Gear button at the top of the screen to open the App Menu:

The Locations screen, with the app menu open

The App Menu has the following options:

About OmniGraffle The About OmniGraffle menu item

Tap to see which version of OmniGraffle is installed on your device, and to find Omni’s contact information.

Reference Manual a question mark inside a rounded square

Tap to view the in-app reference manual.

Contact Omni an envelope

Tap to send us an email.

Omni Newsletter Signup a folded newspaper

Tap to subscribe to Omni’s quarterly newsletter via email. When tapped, you are taken to the Omni website where you can enter your email address to subscribe.

Intro Video a play button

Tap to revisit the introductory experience and tutorial presented the first time you opened OmniGraffle.

Quickstart Guide a bookmark

Tap to open the quickstart guide, with instructions for creating your first OmniGraffle diagram and navigating some of the most common interface controls.

Release Notes a pointy circle with an exclamation mark inside

Tap to see what’s new in the current release. The release notes are also available on Omni’s website.

Restore Sample Documents a document page

Tap to open a sheet that lists the sample documents originally included with OmniGraffle. Tap a document's filename to restore a copy of that diagram to the OmniGraffle folder on your device.

Trial Mode A box with the top flaps open

Trial Mode is only available prior to purchasing the upgrade to OmniGraffle Essentials or Pro. Tap to switch between Essentials and Pro to see which version is right for you.

Omni Account The Omni logo

Tap to open the Omni Account sign in sheet. If you are an OmniGraffle subscriber, use this window to sign in to your Omni Account and unlock the full OmniGraffle feature set.

In-App Purchases A box with the top flaps open

Tap to purchase the upgrade from Trial Mode to either OmniGraffle Essentials or Pro. This is also where you can restore purchases, if you ever need to reinstall OmniGraffle on a device.

Configure OmniPresence Syncing The OmniPresence cloud icon

Tap to connect an OmniPresence cloud synced folder to your device. Documents in this folder are automatically synced to the cloud whenever a change is made. You can sync with a free Omni Sync Server account, or an OmniPresence-capable WebDAV server of your choice.

See this support article for details on using OmniPresence with iOS 13 and later.

Settings two switches, one on top of another, showing the on-off states for the Settings in OmniGraffle

Set preferences for working in OmniGraffle. See OmniGraffle Settings for more details.

The Canvas

The Canvas is the area on which you work. Using the tools provided in The Tool Palette, the Canvas is where you create the objects and shapes that make up your document.

The canvas, with the Navigation Sidebar open to the left side.

Each Canvas has at least one layer, and each OmniGraffle document can have multiple canvases. Canvases and layers are managed in the Navigation Sidebar.

Canvas Modes

Use the Canvas Size inspector to specify your type of canvas; choose between:

  • Fixed Size
  • Flexible
  • Infinite Canvas

Fixed Size

The canvas is a size of your specification, based on the values set in the Width and Height fields. Choose a Fixed Size canvas when you know the dimensions of the thing you are creating; for example, an app icon.

The Canvas Size inspector set to a Fixed Size canvas


A canvas that can be expanded in any direction: up, down, left, right, or any combination of the four. Choose a Flexible canvas when you want the canvas to expand or collapse to the size of objects on the canvas.

The Canvas Size inspector set to a Flexible size

Use the Autosizing Switches to enable canvas expansion in that direction.

The Autosizing Switches are placed on the top, bottom, left, and right side of a box. The box is supposed to be the canvas; use the switches to choose the direction in which the canvas expands.
  • Width: Tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase the width of the canvas, respectively. Changing the Width after the Autosizing Switches have been set turns off the left and right switches.
  • Height: Tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase the height of the canvas, respectively. Changing the Height after the Autosizing Switches have been set turns off the top and bottom switches.
  • Canvas Padding: Tap the minus button or the plus button to adjust the amount of padding to surround a canvas.

Canvas Padding is disabled when you turn on Size Uses Printer Pages; see Canvas Size inspector, later in this Manual.

Infinite Canvas

A canvas that infinitely extends in all directions. Choose an Infinite Canvas when you have a document that needs a lot of space.

The Canvas Size inspector set to an Infinite Canvas

The Width and Height of an Infinite Canvas are not adjustable.

Contextual Menus and the Canvas

With nothing selected on the canvas, a single-tap on the canvas reveals its contextual menu:

The contextual menu that you see when you tap on the canvas

Menu Item Description
Select All Selects everything on the canvas.
Paste Available if something has been copied to the clipboard; pastes the contents of the clipboard at the tapped location.
Full Screen
Exit Full Screen
Enters or exits Full Screen.
Previous Canvas Navigates to the previous canvas in the document.
Next Canvas Navigates to the next canvas in the document.

To reveal an object’s contextual menu, touch and hold the object until the menu appears.

Contextual menu displayed on an object

Menu Item Description
Cut Removes the selected object(s) from the canvas and places them on the clipboard for pasting.
Copy Copies the selected object(s) and makes it available on the clipboard for pasting.
Paste Available if something has been copied to the clipboard; pastes the contents of the clipboard at the tapped location.
Copy As JavaScript this is only available in OmniGraffle Pro Copies the properties of the selected object(s) and makes that information available for use in the Automation Console, accessible by tapping the Prompt button in the toolbar.
Copy Style Copies the style of the selected object; the style properties are copied to the clipboard for pasting.
Paste Style Available if the style properties of another object have been copied to the clipboard; pastes the style properties from the clipboard to the selected object(s).
Duplicate Copies and instantly pastes a copy of the selected object on the canvas.
Delete Deletes the selected object(s).
Select All Selects everything on the canvas.
Lock/Unlock Locks or unlocks the current selection.
Arrange... Opens the Arrange... submenu, with commands for manipulating the position of the selection.
Group When two or more objects are selected, creates a group from those objects.
Ungroup If a group or table is selected, the selection is ungrouped.
Convert Text to Shape this is only available in OmniGraffle Pro Converts the characters of a selected text block to shapes.
Full Screen
Exit Full Screen
Enters or exits Full Screen.

The Arrange... submenu contains commands for manipulating the position of the selected object or objects.

Menu Item Description
Bring to Front Brings the selected object(s) to the front of the object stack.
Bring Forward Brings the selected object(s) one position forward in the object stack.
Send to Back Sends the selected object(s) to the back of the object stack.
Send Backward Sends the selected object(s) one position back in the object stack.
New Artboard Under Selection this is only available in OmniGraffle Pro Places an artboard under the selected object(s). If no artboard layer exists, one is created.
Make Table this is only available in OmniGraffle Pro Creates a table out of the selected object(s).

The Tool Palette

Whether you’re creating a diagram or an interactive app prototype, the way you create things in OmniGraffle is with a unique set of tools. On iOS, OmniGraffle’s tools are conveniently located in a moveable, collapsible Tool Palette that floats above the canvas area.

The tool palette

Tools in the Tool Palette

The tool you choose in the floating tool palette determines which inspectors are available in the Inspectors pane. For example, choosing the Shape Tool makes the Fill, Stroke, Shape, Shadow, Connections, Font, and Text Position inspectors available for use.

Tool Palette Handle the tool palette handle is slightly rectangular and has a pointy end that directs you toward the tools

Tap to open and close, or drag to another corner of the canvas area to relocate the floating tool palette.

Selection Tool button for the selection tool

Use the Selection tool to select objects on the canvas.

Point Editor Tool button for the point edit tool

Use the Point Editor tool to move the vertex points that make up the path of an object, or touch and hold a point to convert it to a Bézier curve.

Add Point a plus sign sits above a line with a diamond shape in the middle to denote a point along an object's path

Use the Add Point tool to add a point to an object’s path. With the tool selected, tap anywhere along an object’s path to add a point.

Remove Point a minus sign sits above a line with a diamond shape in the middle to denote a point along an object's path

Use the Remove Point tool to remove a point from an object’s path. With the tool selected, tap to remove the undesired point.

Shape Tool a square with a plus sign at the lower-right corner

Use the Shape tool to draw objects on the canvas. Use in combination with the Object inspectors to choose the shape type and stylize objects.

Freehand Drawing Tool a circular line with a plus sign at the line's starting point

Use the Freehand Drawing tool to draw on the canvas without the use of predefined shapes.

Shape Recognition a square over a shadowed outline of another square

Turn on Shape Recognition while using the Freehand Drawing tool to have the shapes you draw converted to objects.

Line Tool a line with an arrow at one end

Use the Line tool to connect objects in a diagram, or to draw lines on the canvas.

Text Tool An upper- and lower-case A next to each other, with two perpendicular lines bracketing the uppercase A

Use the Text tool to add text labels to objects and lines, or to add a block of text as a standalone object on the canvas.

Artboard Tool The Artboard tool is only available in OmniGraffle Pro a hash, or pound, symbol

Use the Artboard tool to create an artboard for defining export regions of the canvas.

Action Tool a right hand, with the index finger extended

Use the Action tool to perform an action assigned to an object on the canvas.

Show Action Badges a pointy circle

Use to display Action Badges; accessible after tapping the Action Tool.

Hide Action Badges a pointy circle with a minus symbol inside

Use to hide Action Badges; accessible after tapping the Action Tool.

Choosing a Tool

Most tools have three different states: A tool is Unselected when it has a white background, Selected when it has a light green background, or Sticky with a darker green background.

A grid of six icons; the three on the top row represent unselected, selected, and sticky tools, respectively. The three on the bottom row illustrate those three button states using the Shape tool as an example.

The exceptions are the Selection, Point Edit, Add Point, and Remove Point tools, which are either Unselected or Sticky.

Tap a tool once to Select; or double-tap a tool to make it Sticky. The difference between a Selected and Sticky tool is that:

  • A Selected tool may only be used once. After the selected tool has been used, the Selection tool the Selection tool becomes the active tool.

  • A Sticky tool is persistently active; meaning you can repeatedly use that tool until you choose another tool in the palette.

Document Toolbar

The Document Toolbar is located above the canvas whenever you are working in an OmniGraffle document (diagram, stencil, or template). The Document Toolbar is unique, in the sense that it provides you with document-specific things that you can do; from opening and closing the Navigation Sidebar or Inspectors, exporting the current canvas, or adding a stencil—a pre-drawn object—to the canvas.

An image of the document toolbar isolated in OmniGraffle for iPad.

Document Toolbar

The Document Toolbar features the filename for the document that you are working on, along with a series of buttons to the left and right for working with the current document.

Hide/Show Sidebar a rectangle with two intersecting lines

Tap to hide or show the sidebar along the left side of the screen.

Documents Documents icon

Tap to close the current document and return to its folder in the Document Browser.

Document Title

The toolbar displays the name of the current document here. Tap to edit and change the file name.

On narrow devices the document title is hidden to leave room for more functional button controls. You can always change the title of your document by tapping its preview icon text in the document browser.

Only files stored in your On My [device] folder or a connected OmniPresence folder can be renamed within OmniGraffle. To rename other files (such as those stored in iCloud Drive), tap the filename in the document browser instead.

Starting with OmniGraffle 3.19 and iPadOS 16, the document title adds a menu that includes controls for sharing the document in various ways (in addition to renaming it), as described in Sharing and Exporting.

A screenshot of the document title menu in OmniGraffle 3.19: a dropdown menu from the document title text in the toolbar with controls for sharing the document.

Sync with OmniPresence OmniPresence icon

This icon appears to the left of the document filename if the file is synced via OmniPresence. The icon indicates whether a sync is in-progress; tapping the OmniPresence icon initiates a sync.

This icon doesn't appear in the toolbar in OmniGraffle 3.19 on iPadOS 16.

  • Sync Ready The Sync Ready icon

    In its most basic state, OmniPresence is online and ready to sync files.

  • Sync In-Progress The Sync In-Progress icon

    Whenever OmniPresence notices a change to the files in the sync folder, the icon appears to be lifting a barbell.

  • Sync Offline The Sync Offline icon

    If you lose your Internet connection (which is required for syncing), the icon turns light green to denote that you are offline.

  • Sync Error The Sync Error icon

    If you see a light green sync icon with an exclamation mark, it means that OmniPresence failed to connect to the sync server. This could be the result of an invalid Account Name or Password, or something as simple as an intermittent Internet connection that drops while OmniPresence is trying to connect to the sync server.

    If the icon remains in this state, here are some things you could try:

    • Double-check your Account Name and Password.
    • Check your network connection in

    If that doesn’t help, contact our Support Humans for assistance.

Undo/Redo a hooked line with an arrow that points to the left

Tap to undo the previous change to your document. Touch and hold to reveal a pop-up menu with the option to Redo.

Sharing and Actions a square with an arrow inside that points upward

Tap to open a menu containing options for exporting or sharing the document you are working on. See Sharing and Exporting in the Document Browser chapter for details on the menu options.

Starting with OmniGraffle 3.19 and iPadOS 16, the Share button no longer appears in the toolbar and can instead be found in the Document Title menu.

Add Stencils and Images a plus sign

Tap to open a menu for adding a stencil or an image from your Photos library to the canvas. See Using the Stencils and Images Menu for additional details.

Automation This is an OmniGraffle Pro feature a greater-than symbol followed by an underscore

Tap to open a menu with options to open the Automation Console or to view the Automation API Reference. This is an OmniGraffle Pro-only feature, used for scripting OmniGraffle with Omni Automation.

Inspectors a circle with a lowercase i inside

Tap to open or close the inspector bar along the right side of the screen.

More an ellipsis

If you see three dots in the toolbar, this implies there are more options/buttons available than there is space for in the toolbar. Tap to open the More menu, which presents the other available options.

Starting with OmniGraffle 3.19 and iPadOS 16, the toolbar adds a More menu with a new icon The new More icon, a circle with three dots in a horizontal line and controls for customizing the document toolbar and accessing the OmniGraffle app menu.

Customizing the Toolbar

On an iPad with iPadOS 16 or later and OmniGraffle 3.19 or later, you can customize the document toolbar to include a variety of additional controls not present in the default toolbar arrangement.

To customize the contents of the document toolbar, open the More menu The new More icon, a circle with three dots in a horizontal line and choose Customize Toolbar.

The custom toolbar editor appears, where you can drag controls up to where you'd like them in the toolbar; you can also remove or rearrange existing controls by dragging them to different spots in the toolbar.

Tap Reset in the editor header to restore the toolbar to its default set of controls.

Customizing the toolbar in OmniGraffle 3 Pro.

If there isn't enough room in the toolbar for all of the controls you add, any that don't fit are added as menu items in the More menu instead.

Note that changes you make to the document toolbar apply across all documents.

Using the Stencils and Images Menu

Tap the plus sign button in a document’s toolbar to open the Stencils and Images menu.

Photo Library a camera

Tapping the camera icon in the menu provides you with the following options:

  • Take Photo: Choose this option to use the camera on your device to take and place on the canvas a picture.
  • Choose Existing: Choose this option to select and add to the canvas a photo in your photo library.
  • Use Latest: Choose this option to place on the canvas the last picture you have taken using the camera on your device.

The first time you tap the plus sign button, you need to authorize OmniGraffle to access your photo library.

Installed a windowpane shape with rounded corners

A list of stencils installed on your iOS device which are available to add to the canvas. See Adding Stencils to the Canvas to see how it’s done.

  • To install stencils in the default OmniGraffle location, use the Files app to copy the .gstencil files into the OmniGraffle folder on your device (On My Device > OmniGraffle) or the OmniGraffle folder in iCloud Drive (iCloud Drive > OmniGraffle).

  • To add stencils from other locations on your device, use Configure Resource Locations in OmniGraffle Settings to connect the folders that contain them.


View available stencils on Stenciltown, Omni’s free online stencil-sharing service. See Downloading and Using Stencils from Stenciltown to see how it’s done.

Use the Search field to quickly find stencils Installed on your device, or available for download from Stenciltown.

Adding Stencils to the Canvas

To add a Stencil that’s installed on your device, tap the Add Stencil button in the toolbar, choose a stencil set, and then tap or drag a stencil to the canvas.

Adding a stencil to the canvas

Downloading and Using Stencils from Stenciltown

To download stencils from Stenciltown, tap the Add Stencil button in the toolbar, choose Stenciltown in the menu, and then search for the stencil you are looking for and tap Download to add the stencil set to your device.

Downloading stencils from Stenciltown

Searching on—and downloading from—Stenciltown requires an Internet connection.


Use the Object, Style, and Properties inspectors for working with objects on the canvas, and use the Canvas inspectors for configuring the canvas and setting document-specific metadata.

Inspector Basics

To access the inspectors, tap the Info button in the toolbar. Depending on the orientation and available screen space (for example, when multitasking on iPad), the Inspectors Bar either slides in from the right or bottom edges of the screen. When there is enough room on the right side of the screen, the Inspectors Bar appears there; otherwise, the bar slides up from the bottom of the screen.

The inspectors reside within four tabs in the Inspectors pane: Object, Style, Properties, and Canvas/Document inspectors. Tap a tab to switch inspector sets.

Wherever you see a minus button paired with plus button in an inspector, these are used as “steppers” to decrease or increase a number value, respectively. For example, while using the Stroke inspector, tapping the minus button makes the stroke thinner, while tapping the plus button makes the stroke thicker.

Many of the inspectors include a Show/Hide [Inspector] Options button. For example, tapping Show Stroke Options unveils a list of available stroke Patterns you can choose from.

Inspector Tabs

The inspectors are gathered in four tabs, and categorized by their purpose. To switch between tabs, tap the applicable tab at the top of the Inspectors Bar.

Object Inspectors a square with a resizing bracket underneath

Inspectors for defining the style properties of objects, shapes, and text. Object inspectors include:

Style Inspector four squares grouped together in a box

Displays the styles of the selected item on the canvas, as well as the style properties of everything else on the canvas. Tap a different style in the On This Canvas section to apply that style to the current selection.

Properties Inspectors a green gear wheel

Inspectors for further defining the properties of an object. Properties inspectors include:

Canvas Inspectors a square with a horizontal arrow pointing to the right, and a vertical arrow pointing downward

Inspectors for defining the properties of the canvas and the OmniGraffle document itself. Canvas inspectors include:

Fill Types for Objects and Canvases

The Fill Type pop-up menu, found in the Fill and Canvas Background inspectors allow you to set a fill for a shape or apply a background color or pattern for the entire canvas.

The one difference between Object and Canvas Fill is that Object Fill also has a None option, whereas the Canvas must always have a fill.

None a circle with a read slash through it

An object without any fill properties. This option is not available in the Canvas Fill inspector.

The Fill inspector with No Fill selected

Solid a circle with a black border and a white center fill

Fills the object/canvas with a solid color. Tap the Color Swatch to select or mix a color.

The Fill inspector with Solid selected

Linear Gradient a circle with a gradient screen inside

Fills the object/canvas with a linear gradient. Use the Color Swatches to change colors for the start and end phase of the gradient.

The Fill inspector with Linear Gradient selected
  • Colors: Choose start and end colors. Tap the swap button to swap color positions.
  • Slider: Adjust where the midpoint of the gradient appears.
  • Angle: Tap rotate counter-clockwise or rotate clockwise button buttons to rotate in 15° increments. Optionally, double-tap and then enter a specific number for the angle of the gradient.

Radial Gradient a circle with a two-color radial gradient inside

Fills the object/canvas with a radial (i.e., circular) gradient. Use the Color Swatches to change colors for the inner and outer phase of the gradient.

The Fill inspector with Radial Gradient selected
  • Colors: Choose start and end colors; center and outside, respectively. Tap the swap button to swap color positions.
  • Slider: Adjust where the midpoint of the gradient appears.
  • Light Source Positioning: Touch and hold, and then drag the circle to reposition where the light source for the gradient is positioned.

Double Linear Gradient a circle with a three-colored linear gradient inside

Fills the object/canvas with a three-colored linear gradient. Use the Color Swatches to change colors for the start, mid-, and end phase of the gradient.

The Fill inspector with Double Linear Gradient selected
  • Colors: Choose colors for the start, mid-, and end phase of the gradient. Tap the swap buttons to swap right/center or center/left colors.
  • Slider: Adjust which is the dominant color in the gradient; drag to the right for the left-most color, or to the left for the right-most color, or leave centered for the middle color.

Double Radial Gradient a circle with a three-colored radial gradient inside

Fills the object/canvas with a three-colored radial gradient. Use the Color Swatches to change colors for the inner, mid-, and outer phase of the gradient.

The Fill inspector with Double Radial Gradient selected
  • Colors: Choose colors for the inner, mid-, and outer colors of the gradient. Tap the swap buttons to swap the inner/middle or middle/outer colors.
  • Slider: Adjust which is the dominant color in the gradient; drag to the right for the left-most color, or to the left for the right-most color, or leave centered for the middle color.
  • Light Source Positioning: Tap in the box to reposition where the inner color appears. Optionally, you can touch and hold within the square.

Stipple a circle with a black background and white dots around the outer edge

Fills the object/canvas with a black background and with white “stipple” dots around the outer edge. Use the Color Swatches to change the background and stipple colors.

The Fill inspector with Stipple selected
  • Colors: Choose the color for the stipple dots (right) and the background (left). Tap the swap buttons to swap the stipple and background colors.
  • Stipple Frequency Slider: Drag left for fewer stipple dots or to the right for more.
  • Stipple Depth Slider: Drag to the left to keep the stipple dots closer to the edge of the object/canvas, or to the right to fill in more of the object/canvas area.

Squiggle a circle with a squiggly line inside

Fills the object/canvas with a black background with a thick curvy line on top. Use the Color Swatches to change the background and squiggle colors.

The Fill inspector with Squiggle selected
  • Colors: Choose the color for the squiggle line (right) and the background (left). Tap the swap buttons to swap the squiggle and background colors.
  • Angle: Tap rotate counter-clockwise or rotate clockwise to rotate the squiggle line in 15° increments; optionally, double-tap the angle number to enter a specific value.
  • Squiggle Size: Tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase the width of the squiggle line, respectively.
  • Squiggle Gap Slider: Drag to the left to have the squiggle lines appear closer together, or drag to the right to add more space between the lines (revealing more of the background color in the process).

Plastic a circle with a shiny gray interior that looks slightly beveled

Fills the object/canvas with a shiny, plastic-like fill that is slightly beveled. Use the Color Swatches to change the highlight and bevel colors.

The Fill inspector with Plastic selected
  • Colors: Tap the left color swatch to set the background color; tap the right color swatch to set the highlight color. Tap the swap buttons to swap the selected colors.
  • Angle: Tap rotate counter-clockwise or rotate clockwise to rotate the position of the highlight color (the right color swatch); optionally, double-tap the angle number to enter a specific value.
  • Bevel Height: Drag the slider to the left for a flatter beveled edge on the object/canvas; drag to the right for higher beveled edge.

Marker a circle with wide horizontal lines filling its interior

Fills the object/canvas with a black background and a set of thick lines on top. Use the Color Swatches to change the background and marker colors.

The Fill inspector with Marker selected
  • Colors: Choose the color for the marker lines (right) and the background (left). Tap the swap buttons to swap the marker and background colors.
  • Angle: Tap rotate counter-clockwise or rotate clockwise to rotate the marker line in 15° increments; optionally, double-tap the angle number to enter a specific value.
  • Thickness: Tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase the width of the marker line, respectively.
  • Marker Gap Slider: Drag to the left to decrease the gap between the marker lines; drag to the right to increase the gap between the marker lines.
  • Marker Pattern Slider: Drag left to fill the object/canvas with increasingly smaller squares of marker lines, creating a herringbone pattern. Drag right to fill the object/canvas with increasingly larger squares of marker lines. When all the way to the right, the marker lines fill the entire object/canvas.

Choosing Colors

Throughout the inspectors, you will find Color Swatches which you can tap to change the default colors. Some inspectors, such as the Line inspector, only have one Color Swatch, while others, such as the Linear Gradient or Double Radial Gradient fill type in the Fill inspector, have two or three, respectively.

An inspector with two Color Swatches

Tapping a Color Swatch—the white color swatch—takes you to a pane of preset Color Palettes, from which you can choose another color.

The Color Palettes, as shown in the Inspector bar

Tap to select another color, or tap the HSB, RGB, or Gray tabs to mix your own colors by adjusting the sliders in those tabs.

The Hue, Saturation, and Brightness color controls
The Red, Green, and Blue color controls
The Grayscale color controls

The HSB, RGB, and Gray tabs each feature an Opacity slider for setting a fill color’s opaqueness.

Object Inspectors

Use the Object inspectors to apply style properties to the objects—shapes, lines, images, and more—on the canvas.

The Inspector Bar, as shown on iPad, appears along the right edge of the screen.


Available when the Shape or Freehand tool is selected, or when an object is selected with the Selection tool. Use to add fill properties to an object, including its Fill Type and Color properties.

The Fill inspector in OmniGraffle Pro

Fill Type

Tap the top row in the Fill inspector to choose a Fill Type; the default is a Solid fill.

Blend Type this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Apply a blend type to the selected object. Blends have a visual effect on objects or layers underneath.

Filter Type this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Apply a filter type to the selected object. Filters have a visual effect on objects or layers underneath.

To learn more about the various Fill Types in OmniGraffle, see Fill Types for Objects and Canvases, earlier in this manual. See Choosing Colors for more detail on setting colors in OmniGraffle.


Available when the Shape, Freehand, Line, or Artboard tool is selected, or when any object is selected with the Selection tool. Use to define the properties of an object’s stroke.

The Stroke inspector

Stroke Type

Choose a style for the object’s stroke.

Choose a Stroke Type to set how the stroke appears
  • No Stroke: The object has no visible stroke.
  • Single: A single stroke.
  • Double: A double stroke.
  • Freehand: A stroke that appears to be drawn by hand.
  • Plastic: A raised stroke with a highlight color. Tap the rotate counter-clockwise button or the rotate clockwise button to rotate the angle of the plastic stroke’s highlight. Optionally, double-tap the number and enter a different value.

    The Stroke inspector when styling a Plastic stroke
  • Inner: The stroke appears inside the bounds of the object.

  • Outer: The stroke appears outside the bounds of the object.

Stroke Color

Tap the Color Swatch to select or mix a color for the stroke. See Choosing Colors for more detail on setting colors in OmniGraffle.

Stroke Thickness

Tap the minus button or the plus button to make the stroke thinner or thicker, respectively.

Stroke Pattern

Tap to open a side pane for choosing a pattern for the stroke.

Choose between a solid stroke or any form of dashed stroke


Available when the Shape or Artboard tool is selected. Use to choose a shape to place on the canvas.

The Shape inspector in OmniGraffle Pro

Shape Type

Tap the top row in the Shape inspector to set the Shape Type. This opens a side panel from which you can select one of the following shape types:

  • Common: Basic geometric shapes.
  • Adjustable: Shapes with adjustable points.
  • Uncommon: Shapes for use in diagrams or as image masks.
The shapes side pane

Corner Radius

Tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase, respectively, the curvature of an object’s corner points.

Combine Shapes this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro a square overlapped by a circle

Use shape combinations to create unique shapes from two or more shapes:

  • a square combined with a circle that is offset to the lower-right Unite Shapes: Combines the selected shapes to create a new, single shape.
  • a square with a circle overlapping; the intersected area has a darker border Intersect Shapes: Creates a new shape based on the overlapping areas of the selected shapes.
  • a square with a rounded chunk cut out of the lower-right corner Subtract Shapes: When two or more objects overlap, the top-most shape is cut out of the bottom-most shape.
  • a square with a circle overlapping Uncombine Shapes: Reverts any shape combination action, restoring the shapes to their original state.


Available when the Shape, Freehand, or Line tool is selected, or when an object is selected with the Selection tool. Use to add a drop shadow to an object.

The Shadow inspector, showing the controls for adjusting the shadow offset and color

No Shadow two overlapping and offset squares

The selected object has no shadow.

Shadow Below Object two overlapping and offset squares with a shadow between them

Places a shadow beneath the selected object.

Shadow Below Layer two overlapping and offset squares with a shadow beneath the top square but underneath both squares

Places a shadow beneath the selected object. If other objects are positioned underneath and on the same layer, the shadow appears beneath objects lower on the stack.

Inner Shadow two overlapping and offset squares; the top square has a shadow inside the square along the top and left edges

Places a shadow inside the selected object.

Shadow Color

Tap the color swatch to alter the default shadow color. See Choosing Colors for more detail on setting colors in OmniGraffle.


Tap the minus button or the plus button to make the shadow less or more fuzzy, respectively.

Shadow Offset

Tap or tap and drag your finger with in the Shadow Offset box to adjust the position of the shadow in relation to the object. Optionally, double-tap on the x or y values and enter another number to adjust the shadow offset.


Available when an object is selected with the Selection tool. Use to place an image inside an object on the canvas. The first time you choose the Image inspector, you are asked to grant OmniGraffle permission to your photo library.

The Image inspector


Tap the Image inspector with an object selected on the canvas to open the Photos side pane. Choose an image to place within the selected object.

Image Fill Style

Choose one of the following:

  • an image glyph, centered within a square Natural Size: Fill the shape with a full-sized image; use the Size controls to make the image smaller or larger.
  • an image glyph, stretched to fill the inside of a square Stretched: Stretch to fit the image within the bounds of the selected shape.
  • an image glyph, miniaturized and repeating on multiple rows within the bounds of a square Tiled: Tiles the image within the selected shape; use the Size controls to make the tiles smaller or larger.

Opacity Slider

Slide left or right to make the image more or less opaque, respectively.


The Size options are available when Natural Size or Tiled is selected as the image fill type. Tap the minus button or the plus button to scale the image’s size within the object; double-tap the number and enter a specific percentage value.

Change Image

Tap to replace the image in the selected object with a different image from your Photos library.

Remove Image

Removes the image from within the object.

Image Mask Mode

With an object containing an image selected, tap the image on the canvas to enter image mask mode. Handles appear on the corners and edges of the image for resizing its visible area. Note that this does not resize the image itself; to change an image's size, use the regular shape handles instead.


Available when the Shape, Text, or Artboard tool is selected, or when a shape or text object is selected with the Selection tool. Use to define the font properties of a shape’s text.

The Font inspector

Font Family

Choose from Recommended Fonts or All Fonts; tap the info button for additional style attributes.

Font Color

Tap to select a color. See Choosing Colors for more detail on setting colors in OmniGraffle.

Bold, Italic, Underline

Tap B to embolden the text; tap I to italicize the text; or tap U to underline the text.


Tap the minus button or the plus button to make the text smaller or larger, respectively. Optionally, double-tap the point size to enter a specific value.

Convert Text to Shape this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Converts the selected text object to shapes.

Text Position

Available when the Shape, Text, or Artboard tool is selected, or when a shape or text object is selected with the Selection tool. Use to define text alignment, positioning, overflow, and wrapping properties.

The Text Position inspector

Text Position Indicator the text position indicator

The indicator changes according to the selections you make in the Text Position inspector.

Vertical Alignment

Choose how text aligns vertically; align to the Top, Middle, and Bottom of the object, respectively.

The vertical alignment controller

Horizontal Alignment

Choose how text aligns horizontally; align to the Left, Center, Right, or Justified within the object, respectively.

The horizontal alignment controller

Text Overflow

Choose how text flows within a shape; fill the shape with the text, allow the text to overflow the shape, crop text within the bounds of the shape, resize the shape to fit the text, or wrap the text around the border of the shape, respectively.

The text overflow controls

Wrap to Shape

When turned Off, text does not wrap; when turned On, text wraps to the width of the shape.


Tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase, respectively, the amount of padding on the left and right sides of the text.


Tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase, respectively, the amount of padding on the top and bottom of the text.

Rotate with Shape

When turned Off, text does not rotate when the shape's rotation angle is changed; when turned On, the text rotates along with the shape.


Tap the counter-clockwise button or the clockwise button to rotate the text in 15° increments. Optionally, double-tap on the degree of rotation and enter a specific value.


Available when an object is selected with the Selection tool. Use to position and size, rotate, or define the scaling properties of a selected object.

The Geometry inspector

x Position

Tap the minus button or the plus button to move the object left or right on the canvas, respectively. Optionally, double-tap the x Position value and enter a different value.

y Position

Tap the minus button or the plus button to move the object up or down on the canvas, respectively. Optionally, double-tap the y Position value and enter a different value.


Tap the minus button or the plus button to adjust the width of the selected object. Optionally, double-tap the width value and enter a specific value.


Tap the minus button or the plus button to adjust the height of the selected object. Optionally, double-tap the height value and enter a specific value.


Tap the counter-clockwise button or the clockwise button to rotate the selected object in 15° increments. Optionally, double-tap on the degree of rotation and enter a specific value.

Flip Horizontally two arrows on top of each other, one pointing to the right, one pointing to the left

Tap to flip the object horizontally.

Flip Vertically two arrows next to each other, one pointing upward, one pointing downward

Tap to flip the object vertically.

Maintain Aspect Ratio

When turned on, objects maintain their basic shape, but scale when resized.

Scale Contents

When turned on, an object’s contents (text, image, and fill patterns), along with the object’s stroke, scale when the object is resized.


Available when the Line tool is selected, or when a line is selected with the Selection tool. Use to connect objects in a diagram with lines, or to draw lines on the canvas.

Line Type

The Line Type determines the properties of a line’s vertex points; choose from:

  • a diagonal line with an arrow on one end Straight: A straight line whose vertex points have no curvature.
  • a curved line that looks like a sideways ess Curved: A line whose vertex points are curved; Bézier control handles for adjusting the curve are not available when using the Point Editor Tool.
  • an angled line with a square handle at its midpoint Orthogonal: A line whose vertex points result in right angles. To adjust the angle of the line, touch and drag the handle; to reset the handle's position, touch and hold on the line to reveal the line’s contextual menu and choose Reset Handle.
  • a curved line with bezier handles on each end Bézier: A line whose vertex points are curved; Bézier control handles for adjusting the curve are available when using the Point Editor Tool.

Line Ends

Optionally, choose to add an ornament for the end point or start points of the line.


Designate, in points, the curvature for points on the line.

Label Position

Available when a line label is selected. Choose the label’s relative position with the line; options include:

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Parallel
  • Perpendicular
  • Independent
The Label Position inspector

Use the top slider to position the label toward the left or right edge of the line, and the bottom slider to position the label below or above the line.


Available when one or more objects are selected with the Selection tool. Use to align objects with each other. You can also align objects to the canvas if the Canvas Size inspector is set to either Fixed Size or Flexible.

The Alignment inspector, when aligning objects to each other
The Alignment inspector, when aligning objects to the canvas

Align Objects with Other Objects

Select two or more objects and then tap one of the alignment buttons to align objects with each other.

object-to-object alignment buttons

When aligning objects, the alignment is based on the object with an edge that is furthest in the desired direction. For example, when you select three objects and tap the Align Top Edges button in the Alignment inspector Align Top Edges, the top edge of the highest object is chosen as the baseline for the others to match.

This alignment behavior can be changed in OmniGraffle Settings, which offers the option to instead use the first-selected object as the anchor for alignment.

Align Objects to the Canvas

When turned on, the grid of buttons changes to reveal how objects would align in relation to the canvas. Select one or more objects and then tap one of the alignment buttons to align an object in relation to the canvas.

object-to-canvas alignment buttons

Make Centered Row

Centers the selected objects as a row on the canvas. Objects are spaced apart according to the value shown at right. To change the distance between objects, tap the number, and then tap the minus button or the plus button to close or widen the gap between objects. Optionally, you can double-tap the number and enter a specific value. After changing the value, tap Lay Out Now.

Make Centered Column

Centers the selected objects as a column on the canvas. Objects are spaced apart according to the value shown at right. To change the distance between objects, tap the number, and then tap the minus button or the plus button to close or widen the gap between objects. Optionally, you can double-tap the number and enter a specific value. After changing the value, tap Lay Out Now.

Objects cannot be aligned to an Infinite Canvas.

Style Inspector

Use the Style inspector to examine the style of a selected object, or to apply styles of other objects on the canvas.

The Style Inspector, as viewed on iPad, showing the style properties of an object selected on the canvas, as well as those of other objects on the samem canvas.

Style Inspector four squares, with two in opposing corner positions being filled in

When you select an object on the canvas, that object’s style properties appear next to a facsimile of the object at the top of the inspector.

The Style inspector

The On This Canvas section beneath displays a grid of the objects—shapes, text, lines, and images—on the same canvas. To apply the styles associated with another object, simply tap another object in the grid and its style is applied to the object you have selected.

Properties Inspectors

Use the Properties inspectors to set additional attributes to shapes and lines in your document, including defining where and how shapes and lines connect to each other, setting metadata for document, and including object Actions (a feature of OmniGraffle Pro).

The Properties Inspectors as shwon in the Inspector Bar

Shape Connections Shape Connections

Available when a shape is selected; use to define whether a shape accepts connections from lines and with other objects, as well as where those connections are made.

The Shape Connections inspector

Accept Connections

By default, all objects accept connections from lines or other objects. The default connection location is the object’s centerpoint. Turn off to disable connections to an object.

Magnet Locations

Magets allow you to change the connection location from an object’s centerpoint to another location on the object’s outer edge. Tap the No Magnets row to open a side menu from which you can define where connections are made on an object. Magnet locations may be placed as follows:

  • no magnets are placed on the object No Magnets: Connections may only be made to the object’s centerpoint.
  • magnets are placed at the top and bottom of the object 2: NS: Magnets are placed at the center-top and -bottom.
  • magnets are placed on the left and right side of the object 2: EW: Magnets are placed at the center-left and -right.
  • magnets are placed on the object in the North, South, East, and West locations 4: NSEW: Magnets are placed at the center-top, -bottom, -left, and -right (i.e., cardinal points).
  • magnets are placed at the four corner points on an object 4: NE, NW, SE, SW: Magnets are placed at the upper-left and -right, and lower-left and -right (i.e., ordinal points).
  • magnets are placed on each corner and each side of the object 8 Magnets: Magnets are placed at the cardinal and ordinal points.
  • one magnet on each vertex point of the object One on each vertex: Each vertex point on the object’s path may be used as a magnet.
  • one magnet is placed on each side of the object 1 Magnet per side: Each side of the object receives one magnet.
  • two magnets are placed on each side of the object 2 Magnets per side: Each side of the object receives two magnets.
  • three magnets are placed on each side of the object 3 Magnets per side: Each side of the object receives three magnets.
  • four magnets are placed on each side of the object 4 Magnets per side: Each side of the object receives four magnets.
  • five magnets are placed on each side of the object 5 Magnets per side: Each side of the object receives five magnets.

If an object has the custom magnets icon next to it in the menu, this means the object has had magnets placed on it using the Magnet tool in OmniGraffle for Mac.

Line Connections Shape Connections

Available when a line is selected; use to specify how and where the line connects to other objects, and whether the line itself can accept connections from other lines.

The Line Connections inspector

Use the following switches to toggle the settings for the selected line(s):

  • Connectable to Objects: When turned on, the line can connect to objects on the canvas; when turned off, the line will not connect to other objects.
  • Route to Shape Center: When turned on, the line ignores an object’s magnets and will only connect to a shape’s centerpoint; when turned off, the line will either connect to an object’s centerpoint or to the nearest available magnet.
  • Accept Connections: When turned on, the line can accept connections from other lines; when turned off, the line will not accept connections from other lines.

Metadata this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Available when an object is selected with the Selection tool. Use to add object-specific metadata, including a name, note, and key-value pairs.

The Metadata inspector

Add a Name

Assign a Name to the selected object. Access the object’s Name with the <%GraphicName%> data variable.

Add a Note

Assign a Note to the selected object.

Add New Key/Value Pair

Assign key-value paired data to the selected object. Access the data in the key-value pair with the <%UserData [key]%> data variable to display the [value] as a text label or object in your document.

Action this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Assign an Action to the selected object.

The Action inspector

Does Nothing

The default state for any object on the canvas.

Opens a URL

Enter a web link (for example,; opens the link in Safari on iOS when tapped with the Action Tool.

Jumps Elsewhere

When selected, choose from one of the following options:

  • Switch to Previous Canvas: Tapping the object with the Action tool goes to the previous canvas.
  • Switch to Next Canvas: Tapping the object with the Action tool goes to the next canvas.
  • Switch to a Specific Canvas: If your document has more than one canvas, you can choose which canvas gets jumped to when the object is tapped with the Action tool.

Shows or Hides Layers

Use to set the visibility of layers on the current canvas. Select a layer, and then choose from:

  • None: Does nothing with that layer’s visibility state.
  • Show: Sets the visibility state of the chosen layer to visible.
  • Hide: Sets the visibility state of the chosen layer to hidden.
  • Toggle: Swaps the visibility state of the chosen layer. If the layer is set to visible, it is hidden, and vice versa.

Runs Automation Action

When selected, choose from a list of Automation Actions, displayed underneath. The Automation Action is performed when tapped with the Action Tool.

Canvas and Document Inspectors

Use the Canvas inspectors to define your canvas, set the units of measurement, enable grids and guides, control the flow of your diagram, and to set canvas- and document-specific metadata.

The Canvas Inspectors, open to the Canvas Size inspector

Canvas Size a square with a rectangle inside that appears to be in the process of being resized

Choose the Canvas Mode for your document, and set its properties.

  • Fixed Size: A canvas with its width and height set to a specific size; for example, 1024 × 768 pixels.
  • Flexible: A canvas which expands in a specified direction (up, down, left, or right) to suit your needs.
  • Infinite Canvas: A canvas that extends infinitely in all directions.

See Canvas Modes, earlier in this manual, for additional detail.

Additional options found in the Canvas Size inspector include:

Switch On or Off to force your document to print on a single page.

100% Zoom

If you have OmniGraffle Pro, you can also specify how things look onscreen when viewing your document at 100% Zoom:

  • One Apple point (the default) relates to resolution-independent distance on the display. For example, on a standard-resolution display, 1 point equals 1 pixel; on a Retina display, 1 point equals 2 pixels. At 100% zoom, objects viewed at One Apple point only appear smaller onscreen; however, they retain their actual size (which you can verify by looking at the object’s dimensions in the Geometry inspector).

  • One PostScript point displays the contents of your document at real-world size. At 100% zoom, you can hold a ruler up to your display and the size of the object you are measuring onscreen will match the dimensions you see in the Geometry inspector.

  • One pixel matches the pixel density of your display. For example, at 100% zoom, objects viewed at One pixel only appear smaller onscreen; however, they retain their actual size (which you can verify by looking at the object’s dimensions in the Geometry inspector).

The 100% Zoom options make it possible for you to work on large-scale documents at a smaller scale onscreen.

Size Uses Printer Pages

Switch On or Off. When turned on, the canvas size is displayed in pages not the Base Units of measurement (i.e., pixels, points, centimeters, or inches). When turned on, choose how your document will print:

  • Portrait Orientation
  • Landscape Orientation
  • Use Document Default

Canvas Padding is disabled when you turn on Size Uses Printer Pages.

Scroll Margin

Tap the minus button or the plus button to adjust how much of the canvas area is added as a scrolling margin around the canvas. When set to 100%, your entire canvas can scroll out of view.

Canvas Fill a square with intersecting vertical and horizontal lines, accompanied by a diagonal shading toward the lower-right corner of the square

Use to add fill properties to the canvas, including its Fill Type and Color properties.

The Canvas Fill inspector

Fill Type

Choose a Fill Type for the canvas.

Fill Color

Choose a color for the canvas.

To learn more about the various Fill Types in OmniGraffle, see Fill Types for Objects and Canvases, earlier in this manual. See Choosing Colors for more detail on setting colors in OmniGraffle.

Units & Scale a square filled with measurement bars, similar to those found on a ruler

Set a unit of measurement for your document:

The Units and Scale inspector

Base Units

Set the base unit of measurement; choose between points (pt), pixels (px), centimeters (cm), or inches—fractional (in). Base Units are used by the Canvas Size inspector to display the dimensions of Fixed and Flexible canvases, and are used for scaling purposes.


Available when centimeters (cm) or inches—fractional (in) is chosen as the Base Units.

Scale is shown as two numbers; for example, 1 in = 1 in. The first value uses the unit of measurement chosen as the Base Units (either cm or in) and relates to the actual size of objects on the canvas. The second value relates to how those objects scale in size, and use the units of measurement chosen under Display Units for how those measurements appear when scaled.

Use the the minus button and the plus button to decrease or increase the Base and Display Unit values. Optionally, double-tap on the number and enter a different value.

Display Units

Available when centimeters (cm) or inches—fractional (in) is chosen as the Base Units.

Choose a unit of measurement for how the units are displayed in the Geometry, Alignment, Grid & Guides, and Diagram Layout inspectors.

Grid & Guides a grid of vertical and horizontal lines crossing each other in a hash pattern

Define the grid used for aligning objects on the canvas.

The Grid and Guides inspector

Snap to Grid

Switch on to have objects and guides snap to the Major and Minor grid lines.

Major Grid

Tap the minus button or the plus button, or double-tap the number and enter another value, to change the amount of space between steps in the Major Grid.

Minor Grid

Tap the minus button or the plus button, or double-tap the number and enter another value, to change the number of Minor Grid steps between each Major Grid.

Smart Guides

Smart Guides are the blue lines you see onscreen when positioning objects on the canvas. Switch off to disable Smart Guides.

Show Origin

When switched on, the dark blue Canvas Origin guides are visible. The origin marks the vertical and horizontal intersection at the canvas coordinates 0,0.

Reset Origin

Tap to realign the Canvas Origin to the upper-left corner of the canvas.

Snap to Grid and Smart Guides cannot be enabled at the same time. Use Snap to Grid when you want precise, pixel-perfect alignment based on canvas positioning. Use Smart Guides when you want to align objects in relation to each other.

Diagram Layout a hierarchical diagram flowing downward

Choose a layout style for a diagram. With OmniGraffle for iOS, you can choose either Hierarchical or Force-Directed Layout for a diagram style.

Hierarchical Layout

The Diagram Layout inspector with Hierarchical chosen

Diagram Flow Direction

Tap one of the arrow buttons to redirect the flow of Hierarchical diagrams:

A bar with four arrows, pointing Down, Up, Right, and Left, respectively
  • Down Arrow — Diagram flows from top to bottom.
  • Up Arrow — Diagram flows from bottom to top.
  • Right Arrow — Diagram flows from left to right.
  • Left Arrow — Diagram flows from right to left.


Tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase the amount of space between objects at different levels of the diagram. Optionally, double-tap the number and enter a different value instead of using the stepper controls.


Tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase the amount of space between objects on the same level of the diagram. Optionally, double-tap the number and enter a different value instead of using the stepper controls.

Include All Objects or Connected Objects

Choose whether to include All Objects in the diagram layout, or only Connected Objects. In the latter case, objects without connections between them will remain in place when the layout is applied.

Lay Out Now

Tap to lay out the diagram after making changes to other elements in this inspector.

Force-Directed Layout

The Diagram Layout inspector with Force-Directed Layout chosen

Line Length Slider shorter lines longer lines

Drag the slider left or right to shorten or lengthen the connection lines between objects, respectively.

Object Separation Slider objects are closer together objects are further apart

Drag the slider left or right to decrease or increase the amount of space between objects, respectively.

Include All Objects or Connected Objects

Choose whether to include All Objects in the diagram layout, or only Connected Objects. In the latter case, objects without connections between them will remain in place when the layout is applied.

Lay Out Now

Tap to lay out the diagram after making changes to other elements in this inspector.

Canvas Metadata a square, divided into three rows with horizontal lines within each row to denote content this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Assign metadata for each canvas in your document.

The Canvas Metadata inspector

Note this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Tap add a note to open a side pane to add some notes about the current canvas.

Key/Value Pairs this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Tap add new key/value pair to open a side pane to add a key-value pair to further define the current canvas.

Canvas metadata cannot be accessed with Data Variables.

Document Data an empty document icon, which looks like a piece of paper with the upper-right corner dog-eared

Assign document-level metadata for your document; use in combination with Data Variables to inject text labels for objects, lines, and text objects.

The Document Data inspector


Assign a Subject to the document; use with the <%Subject%> data variable.

Assign copyright information to the document; use with the <%Copyright%> data variable.


Assign a version number to the document; use with the <%Version%> data variable.


Add a description to the document; use with the <%Description%> data variable.


Add comments to the document; use with the <%Comments%> data variable.


Assign one or more authors to the document; use with the <%Authors%> data variable.


Set an organization name to the document; use with the <%Organizations%> data variable.


Specify the language(s) used in the document; use with the <%Languages%> data variable.


Assign keywords to the document; use with the <%Keywords%> data variable.


Assign a project name to the document; use with the <%Projects%> data variable.

Appendix A



From the Locations Screen or the Document Browser, tap the app menu (the app menu is an icon that looks like a gear wheel), and then choose Settings to set the following options for working with OmniGraffle:

The Settings pane lets you configure additional preferences for OmniGraffle

App Lock

If you use OmniGraffle on a device that you occasionally share (with your children, coworkers, or clients, for example), there may be times when you would prefer that your OmniGraffle documents remain out of reach. The App Lock feature prevents accidental taps and casual glances by adding a password-locked privacy screen that must be dismissed before any of your documents or settings can be accessed.

App Lock does not encrypt your data, and does not prevent someone with access to your device from connecting it to iTunes and copying your files, or deleting OmniGraffle from your device outright.

App Lock is intended as a privacy feature to prevent accidental exposure or corruption of data when others are using your device. It is not mant to thwart serious attempts to access or compromise your data.

Device-level security measures are recommended for those with additional security needs.

Show Tooltips

With Tooltips enabled, OmniGraffle presents a brief pop-up of explanatory text to describe the interface element or tool you have selected.

Show Canvas Page Count

When enabled, OmniGraffle displays the number of printable pages on a per-canvas basis, in the app’s Sidebar.

Apple Pencil Double-Tap

With an Apple Pencil (2nd generation) paired with your iPad, use this submenu to choose the behavior when you double-tap the side of the Pencil.

  • Use System Behavior—Invoke the default behavior set in iOS Settings. Some behaviors are not supported by OmniGraffle; when this is the case, it will be noted here.

  • Switch to Previous Tool—Return to the previously selected tool.

  • Toggle Navigation Sidebar—Show or hide the navigation sidebar.

  • Toggle Inspector—Show or hide the inspector.

  • Toggle Full Screen—Switch to Full Screen mode, or return to normal mode.

  • Toggle Stencil Browser—Show or hide the stencil browser.

  • Off—Turn off Double-Tap in OmniGraffle.


When aligning multiple objects to one another, choose whether to:

  • Align to Selection—Use the object farthest in the chosen alignment direction as the anchor for alignment.

  • Align to First-selected Object—Use the first-selected object as the anchor for alignment.

Configure Resource Locations

Open a sheet with a list of connected locations that the app will check for template and stencil files. Tap Add Location to open a file browser and navigate to the desired folder, then tap Done to link it.

Not all cloud storage providers are capable of acting as linked resource folders for OmniGraffle. Providers that aren't compatible have their names greyed out in the browser list.

Configure Plug-Ins Plug-Ins are only available in OmniGraffle Pro

Open a sheet with a list of the Omni Automation Plug-Ins available in connected folders on your device. To add Plug-Ins to this list, choose Add Linked Folder at the bottom of the list and navigate to the folder on your device that contains them.

For more information about this feature, see the Omni Automation website.

Send Anonymous Data

Help us help you; turning on the Send Anonymous Data option provides Omni with anonymous information about the platforms on which OmniGraffle is being used.

Appendix B


The following gestures can be used while working in OmniGraffle.

Gesture Action Description
single-tap gesture Select an object or interact with the user interface Tap with a single finger.
single-tap gesture Enter image mask mode Tap an image with a single finger.
touch and hold gesture Touch and hold Touch and hold an object with a single finger; commonly used in combination with other gestures.
single finger double-tap gesture Select a value in an inspector, or the text in a text label Double-tap with a single finger.
two-finger double-tap gesture Zoom object or canvas to fit screen Double-tap an object, or on the canvas, with two fingers.
pinch to zoom in gesture Pinch to zoom in on the canvas Move two fingers together.
pinch to zoom out gesture Pinch to zoom out on the canvas Move two fingers apart.
drag to select gesture Drag to select Touch the canvas and then drag your finger to select objects on the canvas.
gesture to scroll the canvas in any direction Scroll Swipe in any direction to scroll; swipe up or down in the Sidebar or Inspector Bar, or in any direction on the canvas.
gesture for rotating objects Rotate an object Touch an object with two fingers and then rotate.
gesture for moving objects Move an object on the canvas Touch and hold to select the object, and then slide your finger to move the object.
gesture for selecting multiple items on the canvas Select multiple, non-contiguous objects, on the canvas Touch and hold on the first object, and then quickly (before the contextual menu appears) tap the other objects you would like to select.
gesture for toggling individual Bezier handle controls Switch between manipulating both control handles on a Bézier curve simultaneously, or each individually With the Point Editor Tool selected, touch and hold a vertex to reveal its control handles (or touch and hold a handle if already revealed), then tap anywhwere on the canvas to switch between modes.

In addition to the gestures listed above, OmniGraffle 3.11 and later support the iOS built-in gestures for Copy, Paste, Undo, and Redo.

Appendix C

Opening, Placing, and Exporting Files

This appendix provides you with a quick overview of the file and image types supported by OmniGraffle, and the methods for getting content into or out of OmniGraffle.

Opening Files

You may open the following native OmniGraffle files by tapping their icons in the Document Browser or in the Files app on iOS 11:

  • OmniGraffle Document (.graffle)
  • OmniGraffle Stencil (.gstencil)
  • OmniGraffle Template (.gtemplate)

OmniGraffle also supports opening OmniOutliner files (.oo3 and .ooutline), and if you have OmniGraffle Pro OmniGraffle Pro you can also open Microsoft Visio XML files by doing the following:

  1. In the Files app, locate the OmniOutliner or Visio file and touch and hold on the icon momentarily; when you release your finger, a contextual menu appears.
  2. In the contextual menu, tap Share; a sheet slides into view.
  3. In the sheet, look for the row of app icons, and tap Copy to OmniGraffle.

OmniGraffle copies and opens a new file, saving it to the On My [device] folder on your device. The original source file remains where it was. To access OmniGraffle’s On My [device] folder in the Files app, choose On My [device] ▸ OmniGraffle.

OmniGraffle Pro The following Microsoft Visio file formats are supported for opening with OmniGraffle Pro:

  • Drawing files (.vsd, .vdx, and .vsdx)
  • Templates (.vst, .vstx, and .vtx)
  • Stencils (.vss, .vssx, and .vsx)

Placing Files with Drag and Drop

OmniGraffle supports drag and drop on iOS 11 in both directions. You can drag images into or out of OmniGraffle to the another app when multitasking on iPad.

Dragging into OmniGraffle

You can drag the following file types onto a canvas:

File Type Standard Pro
PDF (.pdf)
SVG (.svg)
PNG (.png)
JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg)
GIF (.gif)

For example, you can drag image files into OmniGraffle from the Photos app, or from any webpage. Images can be placed inside objects or directly onto the canvas.

Dragging from OmniGraffle

Conversely, you can also drag objects, layers, and canvases from OmniGraffle’s sidebar—or directly from the canvas itself—to other apps. This enables you to quickly export objects from the canvas or place them in other apps on iPad.

For example, you can drag items from the sidebar or canvas to:

  • ...Files, where you can move it into another app’s local folder or save it to iCloud Drive.
  • ...Photos, adds an image file to your photo library.
  • ...Mail, adds an image file of the item you dragged as an attachment.
  • ...Notes, adds an image to the Note.

By default, when you drag out of OmniGraffle to another app, a vector-based PDF file is exported to or placed in that app. The exception, however, is if you drag out of OmniGraffle to an image-editing app such as Photos. In that case, the objects you drag out from OmniGraffle are rasterized and saved as a PNG image.

Regardless of what the receiving app accepts, an artboard includes the objects above it, and a layer includes its objects with a transparent background.

Exportable File Types

The following image and file types can be exported from OmniGraffle via the Share menu the export slash share button in the document browser or document toolbar. OmniGraffle stencils and templates are also created directly from the Share menu.

File Type Standard Pro
Modern OmniGraffle (.graffle)
Legacy OmniGraffle (.graffle)
PDF (.pdf)
PNG (.png)
OmniOutliner (.oo3)
Microsoft Visio XML requires OmniGraffle Pro (.vdx)

The Modern OmniGraffle file type is used by OmniGraffle 3.14 for iOS and 7.16 for Mac and later, while the Legacy OmniGraffle file type is compatible with earlier versions.

Appendix D

Blend and Filter Types this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

If you have OmniGraffle Pro, tapping Show Fill Options at the bottom of the Fill inspector reveals Blend Types and Filter Types that you can apply to a shape.

Blends and Filters rely on a base shape or image object in the background (either on the same or a different layer), with the Blend or Filter applied to an object in the foreground.

two images stacked on top of each other; the image in the background does not have a filter applied, while the image on top is a shape with a filter applied

You can combine a blend and filter on the same object, or you can place them on different objects and rearrange them in the object stack to create different visual effects.

To create the Sample Images shown in the Blend Type and Filter Type tables, an image is used in the background, with a shape layered on top that contains the Blend or Filter type. The Blend Types, in particular, work by evaluating the colors of both the background and foreground objects and then blending those colors for the composition.

You may need to try different color fills for the object that contains the Blend Type—or even multiple objects with Blend fills—to get the desired effect.

Blend Type this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Apply a blend type to the selected object. Blends have a visual effect on objects or layers underneath.

Blend Type Description Sample Image
Normal The selected object has no blend applied. an image with no blend type applied
Multiply Multiplies the color inputs of the background and foreground objects, resulting in a darker value. the multiply blend applied over an image
Screen Multiplies the inverse color values of the background and foreground objects, resulting in a lighter shade. the screen blend applied over an image
Overlay Multiplies or screens the colors, preserving the highlights and shadows of the background object. the overlay blend applied over an image
Darken The color values of the background and foreground objects are compared, resulting in the darker of the two color values being used. the darken blend applied over an image
Lighten The color values of the background and foreground objects are compared, resulting in the lighter of the two color values being used. the lighten blend applied over an image
Dodge Brightens the background object, ignoring black color values of the foreground object; the resulting image looks somewhat washed, depending on the input color values. the dodge blend applied over an image
Burn Darkens the background object based on the color values of the foreground object, ignoring any white color values of the blend. the burn blend applied over an image
Soft Light Darkens or lightens the colors, based in the color values of the background object. the soft light blend applied over an image
Hard Light Multiplies or screens colors, depending on the color values of the background object. the hard light blend applied over an image
Difference Compares and subtracts the darker color values of the background and foreground objects. If the foreground object is is white, the background object is inverted; there is no change if the foreground object is black. the difference blend applied over an image
Exclusion Similar to Difference, but produces a lower contrast. the exclusion blend applied over an image
Hue Uses the saturation and luminance values of the background object, and blends those with the hue value of the foreground object. the hue blend applied over an image
Saturation Uses the hue and luminance values of the background object, and blends those with the saturation value of the foreground object. the saturation blend applied over an image
Color Uses the luminance value of the background object, and blends that with the hue and saturation values of the foreground object. the color blend applied over an image
Luminosity Uses the hue and saturation values of the background object, and blends those with the luminance of the foreground object. the luminosity blend applied over an image
XOR XOR is primarily used in image processing—not composition—by comparing pixels to the background object with those of the foreground object with the XOR blend applied. If the pixels are the same, the XOR object’s fill is changed to black; otherwise, it gains a white fill.
Plus Darker Similar to Burn; darkens the background object while increasing the contrast. the plus darker blend applied over an image
Plus Lighter Similar to Dodge; brightens the background object while increasing contrast. the plus lighter blend applied over an image

Filter Type this is a feature of OmniGraffle Pro

Apply a filter type to the selected object. Use the Opacity slider in either the HSB, RGB, or Gray color panel to change the Filter shape’s opacity to zero (0) to see the effect of the filter.

Filter Type Description Sample Image
None No filter is applied to the background object. no filter applied to the overlying object
Blur Applies a fuzzy blur to the background object; tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase the Blur, respectively. the blur filter applied to an object that overlies an image underneath
Pixelate Pixelates the background object; tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase the size of the Pixelation, respectively. the pixelate filter applied to an object that overlies an image underneath
Magnify Magnifies the background object; tap the minus button or the plus button to decrease or increase the Magnification, respectively. the magnify filter applied to an object that overlies an image underneath

Appendix E

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts can be used with OmniGraffle, and require a hardware keyboard.

The keyboard shortcuts HUD, as shown on iPad

Action Shortcut
Standard Keyboard Shortcuts
Select All Command-A
Cut Command-X
Copy Command-C
Paste Command-V
Duplicate Command-D
Delete Delete
Full Screen Control-Shift-F
Undo Command-Z
Redo Shift-Command-Z
New Canvas Option-Command-N
Previous Canvas Command-[
Next Canvas Command-]
Close (Window) Command-W
Shortcuts for Switching Tools
Select Shape Tool s
Select Selection Tool v
Select Line Tool c
Select Text Tool t
Select Freehand Tool e
Select Point Tool f
Select Action Tool b
Select Artboard Tool OmniGraffle Pro a
Shortcuts for use with an Object Selected
Bring to Front Shift-Command-F
Bring Forward Option-Command-F
Send to Back Shift-Command-B
Send Backward Option-Command-B
Lock Command-L
Unlock Option-Command-L
Group Shift-Command-G
Ungroup Shift-Command-U
Make Table Shift-Command-T
Copy Style Option-Command-C
Paste Style Option-Command-V
Shortcut for Nudging Selected Objects
Nudge Left Left Arrow
Nudge Right Right Arrow
Nudge Up Up Arrow
Nudge Down Down Arrow
Shift Nudge Left Shift-Left Arrow
Shift Nudge Right Shift-Right Arrow
Shift Nudge Up Shift-Up Arrow
Shift Nudge Down Shift-Down Arrow
Shortcut for Text Editing
End Text Editing Command-Return

Appendix F

Data Variables

In OmniGraffle, a data variable is a string that you can use to insert object and line labels based on other information in your document. These variables look for like-named elements in an OmniGraffle document’s XML source, and displays its corresponding data related to the string provided. For example, you can use the <%Layer%> data variable as a text object on the canvas to display the name of that layer.

Use of the <%UserData%> variable gives OmniGraffle Pro users access to document-level details and metadata entered into the Canvas Metadata inspector.

Universal Data Variables

OmniGraffle Standard and Pro both have access to a core set of data variables, listed in the following table.

Variable Description
Canvas and Layer Variables
<%Canvas%> Displays the canvas name.
<%CanvasNumber%> Displays a number related to the canvas’s position in the Sidebar.
<%TotalCanvases%> Displays the total number of canvases in the document.
<%Layer%> Displays the name of the layer.
Document-specific Variables
<%Document%> Displays the filename of the OmniGraffle document.
<%Creator%> Displays the user name of the person who created the document.
<%Modifier%> Displays the user name of the person who last modified the document.
<%#%> Displays the current page number, based on the object’s position on the canvas as it relates to how the page is printed.
<%TotalPages%> Displays the total number of pages to be printed from the document.
Date Variables
<%Date%> Displays today’s date.
<%CreationDate%> Displays the date the document was created.
<%ModificationDate%> Displays the date that the document was last modified.
Date Strings for use with Date Variables
y Two-digit year, based on the decade; for example, 16 for “2016”.
Y Four-digit year; for example, 2016.
m Month, represented as two digits ranging from 01-12; for example, 10 for October.
d Day, represented as two digits ranging from 01-31 (as appropriate); for example, 05 is the fifth day of the month.
c Current date and time; for example, Tue Jul 11 10:00:00 PDT 2017.
H Hours, represented as two-digits ranging from 00-23; for example, 11 is 11 a.m., whereas 23 is 11 p.m..
M Minutes, represented as two digits ranging from 00-59.
S Seconds, represented as two digits ranging from 00-59.
z Zulu time difference; for example, an output of -0700 represents that the current time is seven hours behind Zulu time.
Object-specific Variables
<%X%> Displays the object’s horizontal distance from the origin.
<%Y%> Displays the objects vertical distance from the origin.
<%Width%> Displays the object’s width.
<%Height%> Displays the object’s height.
<%Length%> Displays a line object’s length.
<%GraphicName%> Displays the name of the object.
Document Data Inspector Variables
<%Subject%> Displays the Subject of the field of the Document Data inspector.
<%Copyright%> Displays information entered in the Copyright field of the Document Data inspector.
<%Version%> Displays information entered in the Version field of the Document Data inspector.
<%Description%> Displays information entered in the Description field of the Document Data inspector.
<%Comments%> Displays information entered in the Comments field of the Document Data inspector.
<%Authors%> Displays the author, or authors, listed in the Authors field of the Document Data inspector.
<%Organizations%> Displays information entered in the Organizations field of the Document Data inspector.
<%Languages%> Displays the language, or languages, entered in the Languages field of the Document Data inspector.
<%Keywords%> Displays the keyword, or keywords, entered in the Keywords field of the Document Data inspector.
<%Projects%> Displays the document, or documents, entered in the Projects field of the Document Data inspector.

Date Strings Used by the Date Variables

As noted in the previous table, OmniGraffle has three date-specific variables that make it easy for you to track the status of work on your documents.

  • Current Date (<%Date%>) — inserts the current date. This particularly handy when you want to “stamp” a document you’re exporting or printing with today’s date.

  • Document Creation Date (<%CreationDate%>) — inserts the date that the document was originally created, according to the document XML.

  • Document Modification Date (<%ModificationDate%>) — inserts the date that the document was last saved, according to the document XML.

The date variables are particularly useful when combined with the <%Creator%> and <%Modifier%> variables, when you need to see who last updated a document file.

If you are using one of the date variables, you can customize the format of the date using the variables. For example, to get a date such as 2017-10-05 08:37:30 -0700Z, you could use the following variable string:

<%date %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %zZ %>

The logic we have used in creating the date variables is based on Cocoa’s date formatting tokens.

Appendix G

Getting Help

When you’re in need of help—whether you’re trying to figure out how layers work, or if you’re having some other issue with OmniGraffle—it’s good to know that the Support Humans at the Omni Group are always available to lend you a hand.

Release Notes

For a detailed, comprehensive summary of the latest changes to OmniGraffle, tap the gear menu while in the Document Browser and choose a badge with an exclamation mark inside Release Notes. This is a good first place to check if something is behaving in a way you didn’t expect.

Finding Help Online

The OmniGraffle Support Site provides a wealth of information, including this Reference Manual, as well as How-Tos and Support articles, which go into finer detail on working with OmniGraffle.

Similarly, the OmniGraffle product page is always a good place to find the latest information about features and updates to OmniGraffle.


In addition to the online help, we also provide a series of online videos for OmniGraffle. These videos range in topics from available features in the latest version of OmniGraffle to how-to tutorial videos to help you level up in your OmniGraffle skills.

Email Support

If you’re stuck, if you have a good idea for the next version of OmniGraffle, or if you just want to let us know how we’re doing, go ahead and send us an email. In the Document Browser toolbar, tap the app menu button, which looks like a gear and choose Contact Omni to queue up an email message addressed to us, or just send us an email with your thoughts. We take support pretty seriously, so you can expect a prompt response actually typed by human hands.

Phone Support

We understand that sometimes you just can’t wait for an email response when you’re knee-deep in a document and you’re stuck or something isn’t working quite right. We get that. When this happens, you can call our Support Humans at 800-315-OMNI or 206-523-4152. Our Support Humans are available Monday-Friday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time (-0700 GMT).

Online Forums

Omni maintains online forums for all of our products, which are available to everyone. Come share your questions and ideas with other users, share OmniGraffle files to show off how you’re using OmniGraffle for a particular document, and seek help from the OmniGraffle community.