The Document Browser
OmniGraffle’s Document Browser makes it easy for you to manage where and how your files are stored. Beyond the Local Documents folder, which is home to files stored on your iOS device, you can choose to sync folders with OmniPresence, to iCloud Drive, or your own WebDAV server, if you’d like.
Local Documents
The Local Documents folder is where your OmniGraffle files (documents, stencils, and templates) are saved on your device.

The document preview displays the name of the file, as well as the date and time the file was created or last changed. Tap a document preview to open the file. To change the name of a document, tap the file name and then enter a new title.
To sort your files by Date or Title, or to view the available Documents, Stencils, Plug-Ins, or Templates swipe down when viewing the contents of a folder to access the Document Sorter:

Using the Files App on iOS 11
The Files app is analogous to the Finder on the Mac; it provides a means of accessing files stored in app-specific document folders on your device, as well as to files saved in the cloud (such as iCloud Drive). For example, to see what’s stored in OmniGraffle’s documents folder in Files, tap On My iPad ▸ OmniGraffle:

The Files app displays all of the OmniGraffle files stored locally on your iOS device. This includes the OmniGraffle documents, stencils, and templates you see in the Local Documents folder in OmniGraffle’s Document Browser (shown earlier).
When using the Files app to view the contents of OmniGraffle’s Local Documents folder, you’ll notice that the files have three distinct document icons, as follows:
Filetype | Document Icon |
OmniGraffle Document (.graffle) | ![]() |
OmniGraffle Stencil (.gstencil) | ![]() |
OmniGraffle Template (.gtemplate) | ![]() |
To open an OmniGraffle file from the Files app, simply tap the file icon. When opening an OmniGraffle file from Files, the file is opened and saved in place when you close the file. However, if you receive an OmniGraffle file as an email attachment and you tap the document icon in the email message, the file is saved to OmniGraffle’s Local Documents folder.

The Locations Screen
The Locations screen is your home base for accessing OmniGraffle files on iOS.

Tap Local Documents to view the files stored locally on your iOS device.
Tap Add OmniPresence Account to add an OmniPresence Account for access to files synced to Omni Sync Server. With OmniPresence, you can choose to sync files to Omni Sync Server or to a WebDAV server of your choosing.
If you delete an OmniGraffle file, that file gets moved to the Trash folder on the Locations screen. Tap to view the contents of the Trash folder; tap Empty Trash to empty all of the files out of the Trash folder. Optionally, you can tap Select to choose which files you want to permanently delete from the Trash folder, and then tap .
The App Menu 
On the Locations screen, and when viewing the contents of a folder in the Document Browser, tap at the top of the screen to access the App Menu:

The App Menu has the following options:
About OmniGraffle 
Tap to see which version of OmniGraffle is installed on your device, and to find Omni’s contact information.
Reference Manual 
Tap to return to the Reference Manual.
Contact Omni 
Tap to send us an email.
Omni Newsletter Signup 
Tap to subscribe to Omni’s quarterly newsletter via email. When tapped, you are taken to the Omni website where you can enter your email address to subscribe.
Intro Video 
Tap to watch a quick video that introduces you to a few of the ways you can use OmniGraffle.
Quickstart Guide 
Tap to read through a quick tutorial, covering some basic things you can do in OmniGraffle.
Release Notes 
Tap to see what’s new in the current release. The release notes are also available on Omni’s website.
Trial Mode 
Trial Mode is only available prior to purchasing the upgrade to OmniGraffle Standard or Pro. Tap to switch between Standard and Pro to see which version is right for you.
In-App Purchases 
Tap to purchase the upgrade from Trial Mode to either OmniGraffle Standard or Pro. This is also where you can restore purchases, if you ever need to reinstall OmniGraffle on a device.
Set preferences for working in OmniGraffle. See Settings for more details about OmniGraffle’s settings.
Folder Toolbar
When viewing the contents of a folder in the Document Browser, the toolbar along the top of the screen includes the following buttons:

At the center of the folder toolbar, you will see the name of the current folder (such as Local Documents), followed by a label that shows the type of OmniGraffle files currently being viewed (for example, Documents, Stencils, or Templates).
Back Button 
On the far left of the toolbar is the back button is followed by the name of the folder that contains the files being viewed. Tap to go backward in the folder hierarchy to return to the Locations screen, shown earlier.
Add New Button 
Tap the Add New button to create a new OmniGraffle document. The type of document created is based on the document type chosen in the Document Sorter.
The Folder Toolbar’s App Menu 
When viewing the contents of a folder, the App menu (discussed earlier) contains these additional items:
Restore From Sample Documents, Restore Bundled Stencils, or Restore Bundled Templates
OmniGraffle comes pre-packaged with some sample documents, stencils, and templates. The type of file to be restored is based on the filetype selected in the Document Sorter. For example, if you are sorting a folder’s contents by stencils or templates, this menu item changes to Restore Bundled Stencils or Restore Bundled Templates, respectively.
Copy from WebDAV 
Imports a copy of a file stored on a WebDAV server. A copy of the file you choose to import is placed in your current folder location.
Selecting Files
At the far right edge of a folder’s toolbar is the Select button. When tapped, Select makes it possible for you to tap to select documents within a folder. Once a document is selected, use the buttons on the left side of the toolbar to share or export the file, move it to another folder, duplicate the file, or move it to the Trash.

Sharing and Exporting 
With a file selected, tap the Share button and then choose one of the following actions to perform on the file. When sharing an OmniGraffle file, you can choose the format to share or send as either an OmniGraffle file, PDF, PNG, or an OmniOutliner file.
Send via Mail 
Exports the selected file, in the format you have chosen, as an attachment to an email message.
Send to Files 
Exports the selected file, in the format you have chosen, to the Files app. You can choose to send the file to a location in the cloud (such as iCloud Drive) or to an app’s local documents folder.
Send to App 
Sends a copy of the file, in the format you have chosen, to another app on your iOS device.
Copy as Image 
Copies to the pasteboard the selected file as an image, which you can then paste onto the canvas of an OmniGraffle file, or into another app.
Send to Photos 
Sends a JPEG image of the selected file’s contents to the Photos app on your device.
Prints the selected file to an AirPrint printer of your choosing. The document prints based on the orientation set in Size Uses Printer Pages, in the Canvas Size inspector.
Create Stencil from Document 
Creates a stencil file from the selected document.
Create Template from Document 
Creates a template file from the selected document.
If you have OmniGraffle Pro, you can also choose to share the selected file in Visio XML format.
Folder Menu 
Move the selected file to another folder.
Move to... 
Move the selected file to another folder, including the Local Documents and OmniPresence folders:
Local Documents
— Choose to move the selected file to the Local Documents folder.
— Choose an OmniPresence folder to move the selected file to.
New folder 
Create and name a new folder that contains the selected file.
Creates a duplicate copy of the selected file, and places that duplicate within the same folder. OmniGraffle adds the number 2 to the filename to help you isolate the duplicated file so you can change the filename to something else.
Managing the Trash 
Moves the selected file (or files) to the Trash. To view the contents of Trash, tap on the Locations screen.
Empty Trash
To delete all files from Trash, tap Empty Trash, and then tap Delete Document.
Move File from Trash 
You can move files out of the Trash by first tapping Select in the toolbar, and then tap to select files and move them, individually, from the Trash to another folder.
Delete Selected Document 
Tap to delete only the selected file(s). This allows you to pick and choose which files to permanently delete, rather than choosing Empty Trash and deleting everything from the Trash folder.