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Using OmniFocus with Siri in languages other than English

With OmniFocus on iPhone and iPad, you can directly add and complete items in OmniFocus with Siri.

Siri works best with OmniFocus when given commands using a specific structure. The OmniFocus Reference Manual has example sentences that work well in English. The following examples are from languages with OmniFocus localizations; using Siri in other languages is also supported, with guidance at the end of this article.


Adding Actions:

  • Voeg een taak toe met de naam Koop loopschoenen in OmniFocus

Adding Projects:

  • Maak een lijst met de naam Te lezen boeken in OmniFocus

Marking Items Complete:

  • Markeer Garage reinigen als voltooid in OmniFocus


  • Welke lijsten heb ik in OmniFocus?


Adding Actions:

  • Ajouter une tâche intitulée Acheter des chaussures de course dans OmniFocus

Adding Projects:

  • Créer une liste intitulée Livres à lire dans OmniFocus

Marking Items Complete:

  • Indiquer que la tâche Nettoyer le garage est terminée dans OmniFocus


  • Quelles sont mes listes dans OmniFocus ?


Adding Actions:

  • Füge die Aufgabe „Laufschuhe kaufen“ in OmniFocus hinzu

Adding Projects:

  • Erstelle die Liste „Bücher zum Lesen“ in OmniFocus

Marking Items Complete:

  • Markiere „Garage reinigen“ in OmniFocus als abgeschlossen


  • Welche Listen habe ich in OmniFocus?


Adding Actions:

  • Aggiungi un’attività chiamata “Acquistare scarpe da corsa” in OmniFocus

Adding Projects:

  • Crea un elenco “Libri dal leggere” in OmniFocus

Marking Items Complete:

  • Contrassegna l’attività “Pulire il garage” come completata in OmniFocus


  • Quali sono le tue liste in OmniFocus?


Adding Actions:

  • OmniFocus で「ランニングシューズ購入」という名前のタスクを追加して

Adding Projects:

  • OmniFocus で「読書」という名前のリストを作成して

Marking Items Complete:

  • OmniFocus で「ガレージの掃除」に完了マークを付けて


  • OmniFocus にあるリストは?


Adding Actions:

  • OmniFocus에서 운동화 구입이라는 작업 추가

Adding Projects:

  • OmniFocus에서 읽을 책이라는 목록 만들기

Marking Items Complete:

  • OmniFocus에서 창고 청소를 완료로 표시


  • OmniFocus에 저장된 목록 확인


Adding Actions:

  • Adicionar uma tarefa denominada Comprar Tênis de Corrida ao OmniFocus

Adding Projects:

  • Criar uma lista denominada Livros para Ler no OmniFocus

Marking Items Complete:

  • Marcar Limpar a Garagem como concluída no OmniFocus


  • Quais as minhas listas no OmniFocus?


Adding Actions:

  • Добавь задачу с названием «Купить кроссовки» в OmniFocus

Adding Projects:

  • Создай список с названием «Книги, которые нужно прочесть» в OmniFocus

Marking Items Complete:

  • Пометь задачу «Убраться на участке» как выполненную в OmniFocus


  • Какие списки задач у меня в OmniFocus?

Simplified Chinese

Adding Actions:

  • 在 OmniFocus 中添加名为“买跑鞋”的任务

Adding Projects:

  • 在 OmniFocus 中创建名为“待读书目”的列表

Marking Items Complete:

  • 在 OmniFocus 中将“清扫车库”标记为已完成


  • 我在 OmniFocus 中还有什么列表?


Adding Actions:

  • Añade una tarea llamada Comprar zapatos en OmniFocus

Adding Projects:

  • Crea una lista llamada Libros para leer en OmniFocus

Marking Items Complete:

  • Marca Limpiar el garaje como completado en OmniFocus


  • ¿Qué listas tengo en OmniFocus?

Other Languages

If your language isn’t included in the list above, you can use the guidance from Apple’s developer documentation to form commands that Siri will recognize in your language.

Note: The most important part of communicating with Siri about OmniFocus is adding the equivalent of ”…in OmniFocus” to your command. Without this, Siri won’t know where to send the command.

Siri supports four types of activities associated with OmniFocus.

Adding Actions:

  • Accomplished using Siri’s understanding of adding tasks. Modify the phrases in your language to include OmniFocus as the destination for your new tasks.

Adding Projects:

  • Accomplished using Siri’s understanding of creating task lists. Modify the phrases in your language to include OmniFocus as the destination for your new task lists.

Marking Items Complete:

  • Accomplished using Siri’s understanding of setting task attributes. In this case, the attribute being set is task completion. Modify the phrases in your language to include OmniFocus and the designated task as the recipients of the command.


  • Accomplished using Siri’s understanding of searching for notebook items. In OmniFocus, these items include tasks (actions) and lists (projects and contexts). Modify the phrases in your language to reference the items in OmniFocus that you want to list or find.
Last Modified: Dec 13, 2023

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