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Exporting from OmniOutliner Pro to Keynote with AppleScript

AppleScript is a powerful way to automate workflows on macOS. With the OmniOutliner 4 Pro feature set, one can even use AppleScript as a way of exporting to different file formats.

A member of our user community at iWork Automation has created an AppleScript to export from OmniOutliner 4 Pro to Keynote 6.5, and we thought it was so helpful that we decided to share it here! Click this link to learn more: New Presentation from Outline

We’ve heard from a number of folks who have used this AppleScript successfully. That said, we’ve identified a few circumstances in which it might not work properly.

This AppleScript won’t work if:

  • The AppleScript is installed in the wrong location. Use Help > Open Scripts Folder to open the correct directory.
  • Multiple instances of OmniOutliner are running simultaneously (OmniOutliner 4 and OmniOutliner 3, for example).
  • OmniOutliner Standard is being used. AppleScript is a Pro-only feature, and requires an OmniOutliner 4 Pro license or the Pro In-App Purchase.

While the AppleScript is set to run in English, it can be easily adapted to run in any system language. There are localization instructions on that page; please let us know if you have any questions.

We hope this helps!

Last Modified: Jun 27, 2024

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