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Syncing on restricted networks

Networking security practices can result in syncing difficulty. Your network administrator may need to add a firewall exception to allow OmniFocus or OmniPresence syncing. Please share this information with them!

Create a firewall exception

For teams that have multiple people using the Omni Sync Server, these exceptions are the simplest.

Use TCP with ports 443 and 80 for the exception.

The sync servers reside in this IP range:

Whitelisting this range should allow access to all Omni Sync Servers.

The remainder of Omni’s network is in this block:

Whitelisting this range allows access to all Omni’s webpages and the push sync servers used by OmniFocus. Read more about push sync here.

Create a single IP exception

If our entire subnet cannot be whitelisted, but an exception can be made for a single IP address, here’s what to do:

  1. Use a web-browser and go to the Omni Sync Server Account Management page.
  2. The sync account owner needs to log in with their sync account name and password.
  3. In the Account Info section, copy the Account address.
  4. Paste the account address into the web-browser address field.
  5. When prompted to log in, click cancel.
  6. Copy the address from the web-browser address field. The redirector sent your request to the server. The URL now reflects the address of the specific server your account is on. It will look like:
  7. Use a DNS lookup tool to get the IP address for the server. One option is MXToolBox. When searching for the IP address, remove the account name from the URL.

That IP address is what the network administrator needs to create the exception. If the sync account is ever migrated to a different server, the exception will need to be updated to reflect the new server’s IP address.

OmniFocus for the Web

If your network uses a proxy with SSL Decryption, you need to exempt OmniFocus for the Web traffic from the SSL Decryption.

You’ll want to add the following DNS name-based exception: *

OmniFocus for the Web does require a websocket connection, so if your network blocks all websocket traffic, you might not be able to sync. Test your connection on the networks that you will typically use OmniFocus on by going to our connection test page.

If you or your networking team have any questions, please email for help.

Last Modified: Jun 27, 2024

Still need help?
+1 206-523-4152 or 800-315-OMNI

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