The Resource Browser
Depending on how you’ve set up your preferences, the first thing you’ll see when you launch OmniGraffle is the new Resource Browser. The Resource Browser (File ▸ Resource Browser or Shift-Command-N) makes it easy for you to start out with a Template, load and edit one of the Stencils, or you can choose from one of the Diagram Styles.

The sidebar on the left makes it easy for you to find Templates and Stencils to use in your next project. At the very top, we’ve included a Recents section, which remembers the Diagrams, Templates, and Stencils you’ve used or created recently. When you select an item, the sidebar on the right displays all kinds of details about the file you’ve selected, including its name, size, the units of measurement, and whether auto-layout and snap to grid are enabled.
Use the Action menu (the little gear ) to open or create new files, templates, and stencils, reveal where a particular resource lives on your Mac in the Finder, move an object to Trash, or set a particular template that you’re fond of as the default. If you have used OmniGraffle in the past, you can use the Restore option in the Action menu to restore older templates and stencils on your Mac so they work with OmniGraffle 6.
The Resource Browser also has a Help button (), which you can click to access the very same Help documentation you’re reading right now.