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OmniFocus sync errors: “No key in slot”, “Can’t decrypt server data”, “Encrypted file is corrupt”

OmniFocus keeps the copy of your database stored on the server is encrypted for the security and privacy of your data. If you see one of these errors, it means that OmniFocus is encountering an error while trying to decrypt data downloaded from the server. The data on the server is still secure, it simply can’t get back to the unencrypted (readable) state on your device.


  • No key in slot
  • Can’t decrypt server data
  • Encrypted file is corrupt

To recover from this, you will need to replace the data on the server with the local data from OmniFocus on one of your devices; in doing so, OmniFocus will re-encrypt the data on the server. We recommend one of these two methods:

Replace the Server Database

To replace the server database with a local database, follow these steps in OmniFocus on the device with the most current local copy of your database.

  1. Make sure you have a strong network connection.

  2. Quit OmniFocus on all devices except the one with the most current data.

  3. Open OmniFocus, and go to Settings > Sync.

    If you are using OmniFocus 2 or 3 for Mac, you’ll choose File > Replace Server Database in the menu bar.

  4. Tap Replace Sync Database, then once more to confirm.

  5. You may get an error that the server database cannot be backed up. If so, continue with the option to replace without backing up.

  6. Wait for that to finish, then Sync your other devices normally.

Reset or Delete the Server Database

Follow the steps below to delete (reset) the server database, and overwrite it with a local database.

OmniPresence data will also be removed

These steps will completely remove any syncing app data on your account from our server, including OmniPresence syncing OmniOutliner, OmniPlan or OmniGraffle files. If you have any files stored in OmniPresence-connected folders, please place copies of those files in a non-syncing folder as a backup.

Here are the steps to delete the server database:

  1. Open a web browser and sign in to your Omni Account.
  2. Click the Edit link under the Account section header.
  3. Click on the Reset Data… link that appears.
  4. Click Reset Data again to confirm.

Open up a copy of OmniFocus that has the data you would like to keep. When you sync, the system will write your good local data to the blank Omni Sync Server account.

If you are syncing with your own WebDAV server, you can accomplish the same thing by manually deleting the “OmniFocus.ofocus” database file stored on the server.

Last Modified: Jun 27, 2024

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+1 206-523-4152 or 800-315-OMNI

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