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What platform is my Omni app purchase supported on?

All of our apps are available as either a standalone purchase for an upfront, one-time fee or as a monthly/annual subscription.

Standalone Platform-Specific Purchases

  • OmniGraffle 7 for Mac
  • OmniGraffle 3 for iOS
  • OmniOutliner 5 for Mac
  • OmniOutliner 3 for iOS

For these apps, the Mac and iOS versions are separate products, requiring separate purchases when bought for a one-time fee. We’ve tried to make sure that each app is priced reasonably as an independent product, and we hope you’ll agree that the Mac and iOS products become even more valuable when you use them together.

Although they are separate apps—and are built to be totally usable on their own—we’ve also made sure that you can use the iOS and Mac versions together. Both apps need to be purchased if you wish to run our software on both the Mac and iOS platform, and each iOS app is fully sync-compatible with its Mac counterpart—and vice versa.

Our Mac apps can be purchased either through our direct Omni Store or Apple’s Mac App Store, and can be installed on any of your Macs for your own use. On iOS, all apps are sold exclusively via the App Store—a single for the iOS apps unlocks the app on both iPad and iPhone.

Bundle Discounts

We’re happy to offer automatic bundle discounts for our Mac apps when purchased from our direct Omni Store. For each license beyond the first within the same transaction, you get 5% off the price of your order. The discount works for any combination of products, up to 30% off. (This discount is not available for App Store purchases.)

Standalone Universal App Purchases

  • OmniFocus 4 for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch
  • OmniPlan 4 for Mac, iPhone, and iPad

OmniFocus 4 and OmniPlan 4 are our first apps to use universal app licensing for standalone purchases, meaning you pay a single, upfront free that unlocks the app on every device where it can run.

Universal purchase or cross-platform standalone purchase bundles are not currently available for OmniGraffle, or OmniOutliner.

Cross-Platform Subscriptions

All of our apps are also available as cross-platform subscriptions, which is a great way to always have access to the most recent major version of one of our apps on all of your devices—Mac, iPhone, and iPad—for one price. Subscribing gives you the option to pay monthly or yearly for access to our apps as you need them, and eliminates needing to worry about what version you paid for and when you may need to upgrade again.

(A Web add-on subscription for adding access to OmniFocus for the Web for customers that already own one or both of the standalone OmniFocus apps is also available.)

Last Modified: Jun 27, 2024

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+1 206-523-4152 or 800-315-OMNI

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