Contents Introduction How This Guide is Organized Part I: OmniGraffle Basics Part II: OmniGraffle In-Depth Part III: Reference What is Added in Pro? Basic Concepts OmniGraffle Glossary Understanding the Canvas Configuring the Canvas Rulers and Ruler Units Changing Ruler Units to Suit Your Design Needs Toolbar Basics Bounding Box Basics The Left Sidebar Getting to Know "The Stack" Working with Just One Layer Managing Multiple Layers Managing Projects with Multiple Canvases The Inspector Sidebar Whats Next? Basic Setup and Configuration Choosing a Default Template Adding Resources to OmniGraffle Setting OmniGraffles Preferences General Preferences Drawing Tools Customizing the Tool Palette Canvas Multi-Touch Appearance Update Preferences Customizing OmniGraffles Keyboard Shortcuts Editing OmniGraffles Keyboard Shortcuts Using Another Keyboard Set Sharing Keyboard Sets (PRO) Customizing the Toolbar Drawing Basics Creating Shapes Selecting, Resizing, and Moving Objects Grouping and Ungrouping Objects Styling Shapes with the Object Inspectors Connecting Shapes with Lines Styling Connecting Lines and Adding Line Ends Diagramming Basics Setting Up Your OmniGraffle Project Defining a Base Shape for Your Diagram Creating Objects in the Sidebars Outline Tab Creating Depth by Adding Child Objects Adding Labels to the Connecting Lines Defining Relationships by Adding More Connections Using Orthogonal Lines to Denote Non-Linear Relationships Adding Magnets to Objects Using the Line Inspector to Add a Line Hop Using the Object Inspectors to Add Styles to the Diagram Using Style Swatches to Rapidly Apply Styles Selecting and Styling the Child Objects Adding Layers to Your Project Styling Lines and Labels Adding a Title to the Diagram Where to Go From Here Managing Canvases, Layers, and Objects in the Sidebar Meet the (New) Sidebar The Layers Tab Differentiating Between Layer Types in the Sidebar A Guide to the Layer Icons Adding a New Layer to a Canvas Moving and Duplicating Layers Merging Layers Deleting a Layer Changing Canvas, Layer, and Object Names in the Sidebar The Guides Tab Hiding Ruler Guides Duplicating Guides from an Existing Canvas to a New Canvas Copying Ruler Guides from One Canvas to Another Deleting a Ruler Guide The Outline Tab The Selection Tab Sharing Layers with Multiple Canvases (PRO) Using Artboards (PRO) Understanding Artboards How Artboard Objects Interact with Objects on Other Layers Using Artboards as Containers Adding a Toolbar Button for Creating New Artboard Layers Changing an Artboard Objects Shape Before Drawing the Artboard Object After Drawing the Artboard Object Deleting Artboards Working with Artboards Defining the Design Area with Artboards Exporting Image Assets with Artboards Adding Artboards to an Existing Project Using the Tools Using the Tool Palette Persistent Tool Activation Using Hot Keys and Numbers to Quickly Access the Tools Using the Style Well Getting to Know the Tools Selecting, Moving, and Editing Objects with the Selection Tool Selecting Objects Moving Objects Resizing Objects Creating Shapes with the Shape Tool Connecting Objects with the Line Tool Creating and Editing Text with the Text Tool Drawing Shapes with the Pen Tool Altering Shapes with the Point Editor Tool Creating Artboards with the Artboard Tool (PRO) Rapidly Creating Structure with the Diagram Tool Replicating Styles with the Style Brush Tool Duplicating Objects with the Rubber Stamp Tool Adding and Adjusting Connections with the Magnet Tool Taking a Closer Look at the Canvas with the Zoom Tool Moving the Canvas Around with the Hand Tool Activating Scripted Objects with the Action Browse Tool (PRO) Working With the Inspectors Using the Inspectors Interacting with the Inspectors The Object Inspectors Coloring Shapes with the Fill Inspector Defining Line and Path Behaviors with the Stroke Inspector Casting Shadows with the Shadow Inspector Choosing a Shape with the Shape Inspector Using Adjustable Shapes Defining Line Attributes and Behaviors with the Line Inspector Placing Graphics Inside a Shape with the Image Inspector Choosing a Font, Size, and Color with the Font Inspector Styling Text with the Text Position Inspector Adding Text to the Path of a Shape Offsetting Text in the Text Position Inspector (PRO) Changing Object Position and Size with the Geometry Inspector Adding Text to the Path of a Line Positioning Objects Neatly with the Alignment Inspector Align to Shape Align to Canvas Aligning to the Grid Controlling How Objects Space Apart Applying Object Styles with the Style Tray The Properties Inspectors Changing the Way Objects Connect with the Connections Inspector Connections To and From Lines Connections with Other Objects Making Objects Interactive with the Action Inspector (PRO) Assigning Metadata to Objects With the Object Data Inspector (PRO) The Canvas Inspectors Define the Size and Autosizing Properties of Your Canvas with the Canvas Size Inspector Fixed Flexible Infinite Specify a Background Fill or Pattern in the Canvas Fill Inspector Use an Image as a Backdrop in the Background Image Inspector Defining the Units of Measurement in the Units Inspector Ruler Units Scale Enforce Canvas Scale Canvas Origin Points Setting Up a Grid with the Grid Inspector Nudging Objects on the Canvas Automatically Arranging and Styling Objects with the Diagram Layout and Style Inspector Defining Your Canvases in the Canvas Data Inspector (PRO) The Document Inspectors The Margins Inspector Storing Information in the Document Data Inspector Using, Curating, and Creating Stencils Getting to Know the Stencil Browser Using the Stencil Browser Stencil Browser Controls Searching for Stencils and Filtering Results Adding Stencils to the Canvas Editing an Existing Stencil Dragging Objects Into a Stencil Set Working with Multiple Stencil Browsers Showing the Stencils Folder in the Finder Path to the Stencils Folder for Scripting Creating a Shortcut to the Stencils Folder Curating Stencils How to Subvert Alpha-Ordering of Your Stencil Folders Creating Stencils Creating a New Stencil from Scratch Exporting an OmniGraffle Document as a Stencil Tips for Creating a Great Stencil The Anatomy of a Stencil One or Many Objects Per canvas? Group Objects That Make Up The Thing Neatly Organizing Stencil Sets To Scale or Not to Scale? Sharing Stencils on Stenciltown How to Properly Name a Stencil File to be Shared on Stenciltown Submitting Stencils to Stenciltown Using and Creating Custom Workspaces Using Workspaces Using the Floating Workspace Using the Inspector Palettes Workspace Creating Custom Workspaces Saving Inspector States as a Workspace Creating a Custom Workspace from Various Inspectors Using OmniGraffle in Presentation Mode (PRO) Presentation Basics Using the Zoom Commands in Presentation Mode Configuring OmniGraffles Presentation Preferences Using Templates and Diagram Styles Using Templates Editing an Existing Template Creating a New Template Creating a Shortcut to the Templates Folder Using Diagram Styles Customizing an Existing Templates Diagram Styles Exporting Image and Graphics Files from OmniGraffle Exportable File Types Using the Export Panel Defining Your Export in the Export Panel Choosing an Export File Type Export Definition Export Sizes Export Preview Exportable Omni File Types Exporting an HTML Image Map (PRO) Using Data Variables Data Variable Basics The Core Set of Data Variables Customizing the Date Strings Used by the Date Variables Using the Line Length Variable Data Variables Bound to Inspectors Variables for the Document Data Inspector Using the UserData Variable to Access Key-Value Pairs (PRO) Accessing Key-Value Pairs with the UserData Variable Using Multiple Key-Value Pairs on the Same Object Chaining and Nesting Data Variables Styling Variables Using Variables on Shared Layers (PRO) Opening and Importing Files in OmniGraffle Importing OmniOutliner Files Importing Microsoft Visio Files Supported DOT Syntax Using LinkBack to Embed Content from Another Application Menus and Keyboard Shortcuts The OmniGraffle Menu The File Menu The Edit Menu The View Menu The Format Menu The Arrange Menu The Inspectors Menu The Automation Menu (PRO) Automating with Shortcuts The Window Menu The Help Menu Getting Synced with OmniPresence and Omni Sync Server Creating an Omni Sync Server Account Installing and Configuring OmniPresence Downloading OmniPresence from our Server Installing OmniPresence Starting OmniPresence and Connecting to Omni Sync Server Using OmniPresence on Your Mac How Much Data Can I Store on Omni Sync Server? Getting to Know the Menu Bar Status Icons Creating Subfolders in Your Sync Folder OmniPresence Tips Linking Template and Stencil Folders on your Mac to OmniGraffle Getting Help Release Notes Finding Help Online Videos Email Support Phone Support Online Forums