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Using and managing your Omni Account

Omni Accounts are an all-in-one login for using our products and services. They are used as part of purchasing and unlocking our apps, as well as syncing documents and data across devices with our Omni Sync Server. Below you will find more information explaining how to use and manage your Omni Account.

What is an Omni Account?

Omni Accounts are used to provide discounted upgrade options, manage subscriptions and license history, and can also be used to sync documents and data across devices with our Omni Sync Server. If you’ve used the Omni Sync Server in the past, you already have an Omni Account; otherwise, you can sign up for free whenever you get started with our apps.

Beginning with the release of OmniPlan 4 in June 2020, we’ve now incorporated your Omni Account into the trial, purchasing, and licensing process. With an Omni Account, you’ll no longer need to keep track of any 23-digit license codes, or separate contact information between our web store and your sync account.

Using your Omni Account, you can:


  • Activate a free 14-day trial in any of our apps
  • Register licenses to view your entire Omni purchase history
  • See your discounted upgrade pricing on new products
  • View, manage, and cancel recurring subscriptions (like OmniFocus for the Web)
  • Unlock downloaded software
  • Set up sync in apps like OmniFocus

Our apps only require internet access to unlock the app. After that, perpetual licensed apps can be used offline for as long as you stay logged into the same Omni Account. Subscription plans will need to connect at renewal time.

Signing Up or Logging In to your Omni Account

Start by going to If you’ve used the Omni Sync Server in the past to sync OmniFocus or OmniPresence, you already have an Omni Account with the same login credentials. If you don’t recall your name or password, follow the recommendations in this help article to recover your username or password.

Password resets for existing OmniFocus users

The Omni Accounts page offers a “Forgot Password” link to reset your password via email. However, it’s important to note that all OmniFocus databases are locked with an encryption passphrase that cannot be reset from outside the app. Instead of resetting your password, for all OmniFocus users we recommend finding your existing passphrase using the help article Look up your OmniFocus sync password.

If you’re new to our applications, or never signed up for sync in the past, you can create an Omni Account for free by clicking the Sign Up link on the Accounts login page.

Omni Account Management Page

From the Omni Account subscription management page, the following actions are available:

  • Account — view and update your registered email address, reset server data
  • Password — change your login password
  • Payment — view, add, and delete payment methods
  • Omni Account Subscriptions — view and cancel recurring payments
  • Registered Licenses — associate an existing license key with this Omni Account for future access and upgrades

If your account is registered to any Team Subscriptions, you will also see:

  • Managed Teams - perform administrative actions on Team Subscriptions

Registering a License Key

Purchases of Omni applications for Mac through The Omni Store before June 2020 issued you a two-part, 23-character license code. These licenses can be registered to your Omni Account for ease of use in the future. Registering a license key to your Omni Account provides many benefits, most notably that you won’t have to continue to keep track of a license code going forward - instead, you’ll simply sign in with your Omni Account to activate new apps. Other benefits include seeing your lifetime purchase history, synchronized trial periods, and being able to find discounted upgrade pricing at a glance.

New purchases made through our web store will automatically register your license to your Omni Account; manual registration is not necessary. For purchases prior to June 2020, or purchases made through our Education Store, the license key you received in your order invoice can be registered here.

To register an existing license, visit the Account Management and navigate to the Registered Licenses section. Click Add License in the Registered Licenses section, then enter your license details in the Owner and License Key fields as prompted. This license will remain registered to your Omni Account, and you’ll be able to sign in with your Omni Account in new installations of supported apps in the future, or easily upgrade to a new version or feature set from our web store.

The Licenses section of the Omni Accounts management page, displaying fields for registering an Omni License

To have another copy of your license details sent to you, try our automated License Retrieval tool, or email us at

License Keys can also be registered to an Omni Account from within the licensed app, information about that workflow is available here.

Registering an In-App Purchase

Mac App Store and iOS App Store In-App purchases can be registered to an Omni Account from within the currently shipping versions of our apps. Please see our Mac In-App Purchase registration instructions and iOS In-App Purchase registration instructions for more detail about how to register your In-App Purchase to an Omni Account.

Managing or cancelling a Subscription

In addition to perpetual licenses where you pay in full for an application up-front, we offer a subscription option where users can pay for our apps on a recurring annual basis. In the Omni Account Subscriptions section, you can review which products are being billed on a recurring payment plan, cancel a subscription, purchase additional seats, or reassign your seat to another Omni Account.

The Subscription section of the Omni Accounts management page, with subscription overview and cancel options, and link to the Omni Store

Trialing an app with an Omni Account

To begin a free 14-day trial of any of our applications, start by downloading the application you’d like to trial. Our Mac apps are available for download from our website as well as Apple’s Mac App Store. Our iOS apps are available for download exclusively through Apple’s iOS App Store.

On the first launch, you will be prompted to sign in with your Omni Account. Enter your existing credentials if you’ve used our software in the past, or click Create Account if you’re new to our apps to sign up for a new account. After logging in, your 14-day trial will begin. If you have other devices where you’d like to try our software as well, you can repeat these steps to sign in on each device and access this trial on all your devices.

Trialing an app through your Omni Account will not bill you automatically at the end of your trial period; you will need to purchase a license or subscription after the trial period expires in order to continue using the app. Once the 14-day period expires, the app will revert into a locked read-only mode where you can view and export your data.

Last Modified: Mar 26, 2025

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+1 206-523-4152 or 800-315-OMNI

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